1 minute read
Word "Advertise" Means "Knock" ,''.
lThe other day there came to the editorial desk of "The California Lumber Merchant" an attractive looking booklet ivhich bore the name of the Brick Manufacturers Association, of Los Angeles. It was supposed to heve been prepared as aR'advertisement of brick, and brick structures.
After glancing through it casually for a few minutes, we deCided to go thfough carbfully, because it was 'evident' therq were'things missing in the book.
rBut careful search failed to discover therir within or on ttlei bovers.
i,t,\. n..t thing that was missing, and should by all meens have been there prominently featured as the slogan t.frgi,ot th,e Association-judgirrg irorn the contents of."the bp'g,k+-was that good old lyric entitled "Bdng! Bang! Bahg! Goes the Hammer.on the Anvil!'l Brrt it wasn't there. It should have been. It was poor taste to leave it oiiti,,. It would be so entirely fitting. May we suggest to tlldiSrick Manufacturers Association that the next:time -.ir::,. ttltf print an edition of that booklet, they put that song on tlib,.ffontcover.
i:Ehe next thing that was missing was.' a rfundamental of all-eood advertising, which o{ginal add universally accgp-Sqd thought among all good advertising men, and with l'i.:j