3 minute read
iTwohy Lumber Co.
,,, 22 | Kerckhofi Bldg.
Loa Angelcr, BDwv. 0843
,, : CARGO-Fil Rcdrood, Su3er Pirc--RAtL
, : We can alwayr $pply Fir Columnc and
Drain Boarde from etock '
Excluaive Southern California Agcntr of bricks ! No such narrow thought intruded itself into his devoted think-tank. Perish the thought!
What that book was issued to accomplish, was to save the Redwoods. The "majestic and stately grandeur" of the Redwood forests is what he wanted to preserve'
Surely the "Save the Redwoods" League should have a leather medal struck off, and presented to the Brick Manu{acturers Association, of Los Angeles, for this heroic and unselfish work of defending those noble trees. It should be done by all means. On one side of the medal there should be a figure of a brick man, with a trowel in one harrd, and a HAMMER in the other. And on the opposite' side of the medal, that goodly slogan-"In advertising don't boost-KNOCK."
That book didn't mention that the Redwood men have their all invested in those trees, and'have a right to make a return on their investment. It didn't rnention the fact that the Redwood men are planting anq caring for and re-growing ten trees for every tree they are cutting-that they are perpetuating the Redwoods, at their own great expense, and that there are no other lumbermen in the country who are doing that; that there has already been set aside for park purposes more than 15,000 acres of virgin California Redwood, and that much more acreage will undoubtedly be added to that, so that the virgin Redwoods will be standing for thousands of yedrs more.
The "Anvil Chorus" rvasn't written for ad men.
They speak of "Conflagrations" while castigating the Redwood people, not knowing that there are scores of small houses in Northern California that have been using m'Aing;IQr pet'ra'anence; and in all this land t-here ia.'no buildirg ollany material of character in as perfect a state of prgservation as the historic lMount Vernon. the Horfiti '6f "Washington, m6re than:six generations old; and it is only one of many that can be pointed to.
Redwood pipes for chimneys for generations, and they have never ignited.
They'tell of the difference between.Europ€an homes, ?nd remark that it is because the Europtiii ho-e" are of brick that they are so wogtlerful. Why folks, don't you know there never was a ciliii{ortable, honqe-like, well ventilated, well heated, liveable began birilding these horne in the .whole world until ut finliwooden hotnes in the United States ?
The onlj:.thing thai is nr4klng,';European homes worth while now is thai they are copf ing pur American methods in their later homes.
Brick is all right. 'It has many'things to recommend it' If it hasn't it isn't worth advertising. And if it is worth advertising, the brick advertisements should be filled with boosts foi brick.
Knocking the other fellow never made anyone anything since the world began.
They Like It
"Our branch qffices of the Pioneer Paper Company c cn rhnrorrshlw idiertssted in 'The California LumPaper uompany are so thorouehlv. interested in i ,- rr--^r- '", ^i^s +td-, c-r -^ -..^L irsafrrl infnrme- ber Merchantl aird they find so.much-useful information in the magazine, that tl'e have decided to enter subscriptions fdr each of out northern offices'" Pioneer Paper ComPanY, W. T. Farrar.
Jro tho"" *i" r'i.1,.;1ways madelw" puage loyal service. ) uo their source of euPPlY. I "
(To thosc who took the hint andf {"f""iJ-"" their source of supply}Did we make good} lstarting | 925. I t Jt". those *h: 1:^i::t make "'Iw" dare you to try ust I ltheir aource of supPlY. t "
A White Pine Elephant
This replica of an elephant is the work of Burton W. Adams, San Francisco, Sales Manager of the Fruit Growers Supply Co. The carving was m-ade from a piece of T,assen County White pine, lSll"xl0"x4", from the tim_ ber holdings of the Fruit Growers Supply Co. The carving was on exhibit at the recent luncheon given the Northl western Retail Lumbermen's Association by the California White and Sugar Pine and California Redwood Associations at San Francisco, and Mr. Adams was the recipient ofmany fine compliments from the lumber trade in atienda4te at the luncheon. Mr. Adams said that he conceivecl e idea of making the carving to demonstrate that Cali- rnia White Pine is especially adapted for factory and ttern stock.
^ At the April 7th Soo Hoo Tournament at the Hollywood Country Club, A. L. (Gus) I{oover, Los Angeles repre- sentative for the Wendling Nathan Company ind the ?acific. Lumber Company, mlde himself etigiUti to that Fraternrty coveted by all good golfers, the "Hole-In-One Club.,, - 9r. made_a perfect drive on the par 3 sixteenth hole, his ball rolling into the cup, much to-his delight and. amazement.
_ Mr. H. A. White, formerly connected with the Standard fraqre Company, Los Angeies, has become identified with the Hammond Lumber Company, Southern California.
Mr. White is acting as Siles-Promotion Representative for this company, in ihe nervly adopted Plan Service Department.