2 minute read
Summer Time is Fly Time
Ihen the light grew dim near a valley's rim, No longer 'twas springtime weather;But I followed still down the dreary hill- I and the shadows, together.
Through tangled grasJes and withered flowers, Where cold winds moan forever.
I came at last, my journey passed, To the house that men call, "Never."
Oh, the skies were black o'er the backward track Of the road called Bv and Bv !
There were broken dieams and fitful gleams Of hopes that were born to die. There were wonderful tasks that I might have doneAmbitions lost forever; For the luring lie of By and By
Is the road that leads to "Never."
-Adeline M. Conner.
These acts on a national forest constitute misdemeanors under Act of Congress of June 4,1897 (30 Stat. 11, 35), and are punishable under Federal law by a fine of not more than $500, or 12 months imprisonment, or both.
This regulation, according to the United States Forest Service, will materially assist in preventing fires set by people who are careless with their burning tobacco, matches and fireworks in National Forests. All Federal forest officers in the California district have been instructed to strictly enforce the regulation.
-and itls profitmaking time for the lumber dealers who handle Hipolito ',i;"n llindow Screens & Screen Doors
Your screen door sales can be increased by going after replacementa as well a8 new buildings. Suggeet to your customerE the idea of a new screen door to replace the old one. You'll be eurprised how many you sell.
TTULL sterarn ahead for 192)l There has been no pause in the adverf tising program launched last year, and now with fresh vigor behind ic the cairiaifn moves forward at increased speed and for6s-t],000,000 busin'esslcreating California Pine Messages for 19251 the Follouting Mills are Participating in tbis Adoertising MrdensurarPincCo. Meder4Celi{.
New and vital messages about California Pines have been prepared and will be read wery-day of the year, by the geat ho-me-interested public of America- 6wn6rs, archiiects, birilders, rnanufacnrers-the -people to whom you look for sales and profits.
- Note in the list at the tight, the national publications which now carry these California Pine mEssages. With sich a campaign and with a senrice depanment ever alert to assist you, you can increase your Probts for 1925 by keeping stocked with California White Pine and Sugar Pine. Pleas6 addiess'ihe association for printed mattef-and the mills forinformation on stocks, prices, etc.

The McCloud RiverLbr. Co.,McCloud,Calif' Michiern-California Lbr. Co. Camino, Cahf. ModoiLbr. C,o.,Aspgrove, Klaorth Co.,Ore.
F. S. Mmhv Lbr. Co. - iai Mrinidnock Blde.,Sm Fmcisco' Calif.
The Chades Nelson Co. zlo California St.,San Frmcisco, Calif. Pelican Bav Lbr. Co. Klamath Falls, Orc. \ffr.R.pickerinrLbr.Co. (owncr 'Vest Side Lbr. Co. oron's) Tuolumne, Calif. Red Rivcr Lbr.Co.- -. Westwood,Cslif.
Siskivou Lumber C-o to.i Crocker Bk. Blde.,S.n Fmcisco, Celif. Sandrd Lumber Co. St nd.rd,Cslif. Surar Pine Lbr.Co. Frcno.Calif.
!7ied Lumber Co \XZad, Crlif. Klmath Lbr and Box Co. lfclls Fargo Bldg., San Francisco' C:lif.