3 minute read
"manufacturers of doors, sash and interior woodutorh of ezteryt description from any kind of zaood required"
From From The Will Of A Wall Street Man Recently Filed For Probate
"To my wife I leave her lover and the knowledge that I wasn't the fool shE thought f was.
"To my son I leave the pleasure of earning a living. For 35 years he has thought the pleasure was mine. He was mistaken.
"To my daughter f leave $100,OOO. She will need it. The only good piece of business her husband ever did was to marry her.
"To my valet I leave the clothes he has been stealing from me regularly for the past ten years, also my fur coat that he wore last winter while I was South.
"To my chauffeur I leave my cars. He almost ruined them and f want him to have the satisfaction of finishing the job.
"To my partner f leave the suggestion that he take some clever man in with him at once if he expects to do any business."
Three Priceless Ingredients
"ffow cum you is always lookin' fo' a job an' nevah findin' one?"
'rDat's skill, boy, skill."
"Ifow cum you nevah wuks but'always gits along?"
"Dat's management, niggah, management."
"An' how cum you always keeps youalls necktie tied so good?"
. "Dat's genius, big boy, jes' plain genius.',
What A Chamber Of Commerce Does For Its Members
If you want to know the effect of a good Chamber of Commerce, not so much on the town as on the members of the Chamber, take William Allen White's word for it. He says:
"The Chamber of Commerce modifies the innate cussedness of the average selfish, hard-boiled, picayunish, pennypinching, narrow-gauged human porker, lifts up his snout, makes him see farther than his home, his business, and his perional interest, and sets him rooting for his community.
"A man, no matter how greedy or how squint-eyed he may be, cannot work a year upon a committee of his town's Chamber of Commerce without being a better father, a better husband, a better citizen, and a better brother.,'
A_ll wrapt in thought he drove along, Upon a crowded street.
He rapped a traffic cop and now
He's wrapped up in a sheet.
Sign On Back Of Ford
Difference Of Viewpoint
lst Tough 6"n1 '-"fl6y, down whah Ah comes fum I'se so dang'ous dey calls me 'Wood Alcohol'."
2nd Tough Gent:-"Boy, whah you cums fum dey may call yo' 'Wood Alcohol'but whah Ah cums fum dey would call you 'sweet cidah'."
The Real Question
"It doesn't make any difference nowadays, who your father was. The big question is, who and what is his son?"
Not Golf Stuff
Take your stanceEasy nowFeet apartYou know howGrab that newClub you boughtGrip correctlyLike you're taughtGet your poiseTake your timeEye and handThey must rhyrneConscious strengthSupple graceJoy of confictOn your faceReady nowSlightly smileGoing to knockBall a mileStart your swingDon't be hooking(Wonder if thatGirl is looking)Splendid balanceRight hand tightSwing it throughAll your mightNothing to itClass will tellWHAT? OUT OF BOUNDS? oH H-!!!!!
(By Jack D.)

WflA0T t 'toneer DnrnRles malv sde r;{t
A roof must be more than fire resistant to be safe. The beating eun, extrcme cold, heavy raine and winds are also constantly threatening the safety of the structure it must protect.
Pioneer Yosemite Aephalt Shingles are endorsed by the National Board of Fire Underwriters but flawleas frre resistancc is only a part of their function. The impregnability of crushed stone, laid on aaphalt, makes them | 00/o efficient. They prevent the leakage that loosens and spoila plastered walle and ceilings-they eliminate the damp aeepage that slowly warpa and rote the very framework of the structure and they protect mansion and cottage alike. There is a specified type and design for every kind of roof. It took more than thirty years of constant experimentation to perfect Pioneer Yoeemite Asphalt Shingles-they are a proven product.
All lumber, building material and hardware dealers sell them in beautiful ehades of red, green, blue black and golden brown. They beautify any home and, for reroofing, go right over the old wood shingles-there's no waste.

(Continued from Page 20) when quarter sawn, and resembles true Mahogany and its substitutes very closely. These species already -have acquired for themselves the trade nime of "Philippine Maho_gqny" and the demand for sape is rapidly incieasing.
White Lauan differs only in colour from Tanguile-and Red l.auan, being white with a very pale greyiJh brown tint. It is pretty in natural finish where a light colour is desired, and, on the other hand, lends itself very well to staining. White Lauan is available in larger quantities than any other individual species.
Uses of Tanguile and Lauans. These woods season well \r'ith little checking and rvarping and are very easy to work. For the beautiful finishes they take. and the fine. even texture of their grain, these lum-bers are specially recommended for interi'or. finish. They are not onlv economical, but are susceptible to many kinds of finish such as walnut, and special colourings (mouse gray or other
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