6 minute read
I'{owChanges to: "'What Has Been Donet'
TWO years ago the BALSAM-WOOL salesmen had a I good story to tell about the sales and profit possibilities for retail lumber dealers in this improved insulation.
This story was based on the self evident need for insulation and faith in a product which tested considerably better than any other on the market.
Today these same salesmen aren't doing much of this kind of talking.
They're too busy telling what has been done.
A Minneapolis dealer sells 10 carloads of BALSAMTV.OOL in a year. A Detroit dealer sells 4 carloads the first year handling BALSAM-WOOL. A Madison dealer sells 3 carloads in a yeur. A dealer in a town of 12,0fi) population sells 165,000 feet in a year. Records from dealers in small towns show gross profit percentages of ffiYo,42LYo,445Yo with many dealers making 7,8,9,10, and more stock turns in a vear.
' The plain truth of the matter is that the majority of dealers who have made a success with BALSAM-WOOL didn't start off with carload orders. And there isn't a
BALSAM -WOOL salesman who is ashamed of that fact.
They've seen too many 3,000 feet and 5,000 feet orders grow to carloads on the third and fourth ordei.'With the dealer satisfied all along and making a profit on every thousand feet. Reason enough why these salesmen haven't lost their heads over high pressure selling.
BALSAM-WOOL house insulation is made solely for distribution through the retail lumber dealer. It fits in with his business because every builder and remodeler is a prospect-every builder needs and will benefit by using BALSAM-WOOL. It is a comfort and health factor tf,at in a very short time actually pays for itself with Iuel savings and then pays yearly dividends. It is a sound deadener as well as a heat insulator. BALSAM'WOOL does not compete with other items of yard stock so you don't pyramid your investmentwhen you stock it.
Don'twait for the BALSAM'WOOLsalesman to call. Send in a trial order for 3,000 or 5,000 feet. Free adver' tising helps will be supplied. Prospect lists will be fol' lowed up for you.
Start making these additional profits 1!,w. Every BALSAM-WOOL job helps sell another. The sooner you get started iust that much sooner do these addiiional profits begin to mount up. By next year Y!! may be in tle carload class. Orders can be placed with any Weyerhaeuser representative-or sent direct to the 'Wood Conversion Company, Cloquet, Minnesota.
Distributors of
Weyerhaeuser Forest Products
2694-University Arrc. 2O8 S. La Salle St. 812 lcxiagton Bldg'
Can Make Money Selling BnrsaM-WooL
1. BaLs.q,N,I-Wool is the most efficient and economical house insulation on the market today.
2. It meets a rapidly growing popular demand.
3. It does not compete with any other stand' ard item of yard stock.
4. It gives you an additional profit on every house job you sell.
5. It requires only a small investment.
6. It is light and easy to handle.
7. There are no broken stocks of B.q'LsaM- 'Woor-. It comes in rolls in three standard widths only.
8. No outside oompetition. B,a'ls.a'u''Wool is not sold through mail order houses,retailers in other lines or direct to the consumer.
9. It cannot deteriorate. It comes rolled, wrapped and sealed.
10. It can be sold for both old and new houses, for apartment buildings,cold stora$e plants, {laralles, barns, poultry houses and other farm buildings.
11. In addition to being a heat insulator, BAt-' sl.l,t-Woot- is also a sound deadener.
12.Its reasonable price and low installation cost put it in reach of every home'builder.
NEWYORK 22OBnoadway
BALSAM-WOOL lDistributors for Southern Califomid:

13.It canbe bought in either L. C. L. or car' load quantities.
14. It is a Weyerhaeuser product made espe' cially for the retail lumber trade.
George Kewin Spends Few Days In San Francisco
George Kewin, manag'er of the Kewin Lumber Co., Modesto, was a recent visitor in the Bav District where he spent a few days attending to businesi matters and calling on the San Francisco lumber trade.
P. J. Brix, Knappton Lumber Company, has been spend- ing a few weeks in the Bay District on business malters. \Alhile in the Bay District, he is the guest of Frank Trower. The Trower Lumber Co. are the representatives of the Knappton Lumber Co. in the California territory.

_ E. D. Kingsley, President of the West Oregon Lumber Co., Linnton, and Vicegerent Snark of the Portland Hoo' Hoo District, has been visiting in the Bay District. While in the Bay District, he is stopping in Berkeiey.
AClincher for New Accounts
You can easily open more of th.em with a clincher that saves customers money in two \ /ays: Our (Tradetnarhed) looks just like Honduras Mahogany and is just as strong. It is not only cheaper in price, but also in cost of finishing.
You'll find it profitable to drop us a line.
R. G. Hiscox, Western States Lumber Co.. San Francisco, is on a six we.eks' business trip in the 'East calling on their eastern business connections. He will go as fa-r past as New York and Boston.
Howard Deacon Visits San Francisco
Howard Deacon, well known Fresno lumberman, was a recent San Francisco visitor where he attended to business matters and called on the lumber trade. While in San Francisco, he was a guest at one of the meetings of Hoo Hoo Club No. 9.
Fred Palmer Returns From Eastern Trip
Fred Palmer, San Francisco distributor of California White and Su_g_ar Pine, has returned from a month,s trip in the east. Ife was calling on his eastern lumber con-nections and was also present at the Annual Convention of the National American Wholesale Lumber Association, held at Atlantic City on March 18 and !9.
Ted Lerch Returns From Southern California Trip
Ted Lerch, Albion Lumber Co., San Francisco. has returned from a several weeks' business trip to Los Angeles and-San Diego, u'here he has been looking over condiiions in the Southern California District. He reports that the lumber market in Southern California has- shown much improvement during the past month.
"Chipl' Chipchase, formerly with the Pacific Manufacturing Co., is now associated with the Friend and Terry Lumber Co. of Sacramento. He is in charge of the Frienl and Terry Planing Mill.
Joe Shepard Comes Down To See Fleet Come In
^ Joe Shepard, Manager of the Friend & Terry Lumber Co., Sacramento, was a San Francisco visitor oveithe week- end. Joe came down to watch the Fleet, which is now anchored in San Francisco Bay, come into the harbor.
Bay District Hoo Hoo To Hold Concatention
J. Walter Kelly, Vicegerent Snark of the San Francisco Bay District, announces that the next Concatbnation will be held on May'14. This is going to be a monster afiair and a large- class of Kittens ari alrlady lined up for initiation. .A..Ui* entertainment will be provided ior by Ed. Chamberlin and Frank. O'Connor, who are acting is the Committee 'on Entertainment. 'Final ar.angemJnts will be announced at a later date. Don't fail to attend this Concatenation as the Committee are arranging plans to make this o.ne of the biggest Concatenations ei,er-hild in the Bay District.
' Trees to Burn
The American nation has grown up under the idea that we have "trees to burn,"-1hat our forests are inexhaustible. Starting in in !492, with an estimated forest area of 882 million acres, we have used, burned and destroyed this basie national resource with a lavish hand. New England, New York, Pennsylvania, the Lake States, the South, and now the Pacific Coast; ever westward the pendulum of timber depletion has srvung.
Kipling said: "The great American nation s_eldom. put-s back-anylhing it takesJrom nature's shelves. It glabs all it can, and m6rret on. But the grabbing is nearly finished, and the moving on must stop." A prophecy, tlgly.. We have today ovei half of the remaining merchantable timber in this country here on the Pacific Coast. And we are now engaged in cuiting the last great stand of our virgin timber, with no suitable itands of young growth to take its place' Eighty-one million acres of potential timber land are standing d6vastated, and practically idle.
No longer can thinking men say that we have trees to burn,-thit our timber wlll last forever. The handwriting is on the wall, and he who runs may well pause to read. The burning of mature trees by the careless man-caused fire is seriou-s. It means wealth, needlessly destroyed. The burning of young trees and cut-over land is more serious, for it irean; idle land and costly timber for the future.Forest Service Bulletin'
"Printers Ink" tells about an editor who was dying. The doctor bent over, placed his ear on the patient's breast, and said, "Poor man!- Circulation almost gone!" The.dying editor shouted : "You're a liar; we have the largest circulation in the country !"
A Full Stock of Self-Hardening High Speed Steel for lVoodworking Knives
When you want rapid service in new Saws and Machine Knives or repair work, call on our up-to-date shops. We carry a large stock of Saws and self'hardening High Speed Steel for Shaper Knives and Woodworking Cutters of all kinds.