1 minute read
This Lock Opens the Way to New Profits for Lurnber Merchants
It Locks Stucco to Studding -Makes Walls Rigid as Rock!
Why shouldn't you sell wall-building material, too? Don't let that extra profit slip away. Of course there's no money in sheathing-but there's big money in selling Bishopric Base. Sell it as the strongest background for stucco or plaster on the market. It's a lumber product-selected beveled board strips, imbedded in asphalt mastic-covered fibre board. It's just nailed over the studding. Then, when stucco or plaster is applied, an immovable dovetail lock is formed-the strongest mechanical key known.
The popularity of Bishopric Base is just beginning in the West. Back East it has been the dominating wall building material. Get started now. Send today for free sample and dealer's proposition. Bishopric Manufacturing Co. of California,604-626 East 62nd St., Los Angeles. Phone AXridse 0707. Producing Bishopric Base for Stucco, Plaster, Brick Veneer and Frame Buildings-Bishopric Stucco for Exterior Walls-sunfast Color Stuccoi-Drainboard Composition.
Stockr Now Carrlcd By Tbcrc Dealcn: Blue Dlamond'Co.; Hammond Lunbei Co.; Gordon & Harrlron; Rcid-Platt-Spear, lnc,; Gcorgc L. Eartman Co"; Lor Angclec Lime Co,; Paclfrc Plarter Co.; Gcorgc L. Morrir; Whlttng Mcad Co.; Unltcd Building Matcrlal Co.; Pclton & Lcvec, Inc.; Eagle Rck Lbr. Co., Eaglo Rak; J. J. Hennc, Paeadena; Whitclock Luber Co. Bcll, Calif.
Send for a sample of Bishopric Base and see its superiorities for yourself. Just examine the key that locks the stucco and vou'll asree that it would be hard to invent a stionger iock. T.est the sample every way until you.re convincedthen read the dealer's broposition. You'll immediately see the money-making posslDllttres.
Bishol>ric Mfg- Co., 626 E. 62nd St., Los Angeles. ,Send me free samfle of Bishopric Base ond deoler's proposition as aduertised in Calif Lumber trtlerchant.
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