2 minute read
From woods to finished product, LongBell manufacturing standards at Longview, Washington, assure maximum building value in Long-Bell trade-marked Douglas Fir lumber and timbers.
Topping Trees Among the Clouds
These illustrations show something of treetopping, an important woods operation in virgin Douglas Fir timber. Above are illustrations showing the tree topper at dizzy heights. On the right, the tree topper is clinging to the trunk as the top, weighing many tons, crashes to earth. The trunk will sway violently through an arc of from forty to sixty feet.
R. A. Long Bldg. Kansas City, Mo.
Lumbermen since 1875
Douclas Fir Lumber and Timbers: Southern Pine Lumber anil Timbers; Creosoted Lumbers, Timbers, Posts, ?oles, Ties. Guard-Rail Posts. Pilinc: Southern Hardwood Lrimber and Timbers; Oak- Flooring; California White Pine Lumber: Sash and Doors
March Building Permits Take Big Jump Over 1924
San Francisco building permits for March topped the same month last year by nearly $500,000.
The report of J. P. Horgan, city building inspector, made yesterday, shows 1125 permits were issued in March for construction valued at $5,130,965. In March 1924, the value was $4,652,933.
Permits were clas'sified as follows:
Fresno to Hold Concatenation in May
Martin D. Johnson, Vicegerent Snark of the Fresno Hoo Hoo District, announces that they will have a Concatenation in May at Fresno. The date will be announced later. Mr. Johnson, who attended the recent Coast Counties Concatenation at San Jose, stated that plans were now well underway and that they expect to initiate a large class.
M. A. (Bud) Richley, for the past seven years associated with Chas. R. McCormick & Co. as agent of their San Francisco docks, has been transferred to the Wilmington docks where he will act as Terminal Agent for the interests of the McCormick Steamship Co. "Bud" has a large acquaintanceship among the lumbermen and steamship men in the Bay District. He is a prominent Hoo Hoo member and his many friends in the Bav District wish him success in his new work.
T. D. Woodbury, Chief of Forest Management for California, United States Forest Service, was the speaker at the regular weekly meeting of the Lumber Salesmen's Club of San Francisco, held at the Palace Hotel on April 6. Mr. Woodlury discussed in full the timber sales policy of the Forest Service in cutting timber in the National Forests. His talk was very interesting and instructive and was much enjoyed by the Club members.
PORTLAND, April 7.-Frank H. Ransom, vice-president of the E,astern & Western Lumber Company has left for a tour of Europe. Mrs. Ransom accompanied him.
Order For Marking Lumber Canceled
VANCOUVER, B. C.,. March 26.-A recent ruling of the United States that each shingle and board shipped into America from Canada must be stamped "mbde in Canada" has been canceled, said a telegram received by the Canadian Manufacturers' association here.
The telegram, sent by the head office of the association, read:
"United States treasury department has decided to leave case of marking lumber in status quo, therefore the board of general appraisers ruling that each shingle and board must be marked is canceled."
The ruling would have practically stopped lumber shipments to the United States from British Columbia, lumtrermen here said.