5 minute read
When You See
the handsome veneer panels of CALIFORNIA
PINE now coming from the Westwood factory you will say they are the 6nest stock for panel doors and interior 6nish.
The figure of the grain is unique and beautiful. There is a delicate softness and an interesting variety in pattern.
CALIFORNIA PINE VENEER comes from the lathe with a surface that requires very little sanding for a smooth finish. For enamel and fat paint as well as for stain and varnish, there is no wood surface superior to CALIFORNIA PINES.
One-side and two-side stock for interior panelling, partitions, dseys-s1qck for shelving, drawer bottoms, furniture back+light in weight and will not check.
Snow blindnese ha.r brought rufrcring to nrany r woodrrnan. It ir worrc in thc Spring when thc run ie high and bright. Ed. F. Rceb of Marquctte, Mich., tcllr how Paul Bunyan got hir rnow glarcr.
The framec were made bV Btg Ole, the blackrmith, out of an old ox yoke and wcre a pcrfcct.6t. Into the bowt, thc lenrel wcre 6tted. Reeb .ay! thcro w€re gmoLed glaer, but ar a natter of fact they wlrc rtove lidc. The eoot kept out the run glarc and iron war ar good ar glart to Paulfor Paul Bunyan could rec throrigh anything.
Sash and Doors
Mr. Carl G. Bock has resigned as mar Lumber Co. of Oregon at North Bend. He has been succeeded by Mr. R. T. been identified with the Pacific Coast lum number of vears.

"There isn't any businesi," wailed th, through,
British market a li publication of a re tice for wood cons
Slated to be the the United Kingd< wood in construc tion, published b: dards Institute, B! the U.S. visuallY the first time.
The Timber Res ment Association trade group, also information sheet
That the hopeful, cheerful hustler aeems to have a lot to do.
I've been in business places where the air wag thick with gloom, And the men were sad and solemn like the mourners at a tomb, And there waan't any busineso or an order coming inAnd, what'e more, there never will be till thoee fellows etart to grin.
"There isn't any cry? -aygn'[ you nreary
Men have caught the gloomy habit and they ait around and sigh;
But the hustler, I have noticed, who has quit his easy chair, And ig conGdently working, aeema to gather in hia share.
It ig time to get the business, it is time to huetle out, With a man'B faith in the future-much too long we'vc scattered doubt.
Much too long we've sobbed and whimpcred, much too long we've talked of woe, Now it's time for optimicm and the hopcful phraae: ..LET'S GOI''
Large Construction Program At Longview
There has been a rapid increase recently in the number of residences and business buildings under construction at Longview, Washington,
The construction of. 2I0 homes, four apartments, three business buildings, a dairy and ice cream plant, an oil company warehouse and a new theatre building is now giving employment to many men.in the building trades.
In addition there soon will be under construction a new passenger station suitable for a town of 50,000 population, a new library building and the first unit of a two hundred thousand dollar hospital. Plans have been drawn for a hundred thousand dollar communitv church edifice to be erected at the civic center. Plans hive also been approyed for a "three line" cannery building of the Monticello Food Products Company. This company will shortly erect a building 60x200 feet in size which will have a capacity of 100,000 cases of canned goods per season and will give employment to from 200 to 300 persons during the height of the season.
President Approves Important California Forestry Bills
President Coolidge has signed the bill authorizing an appropriation of $50,000 for the establishment of a forest experiment station in California, according to report of the United States forest service district headquarters in San Francisco. This measure, sponsored by Senators Samuel M. Shortridge and Hiram W. Johnson and Congressman Walter F. Lineberger, will place research and investigative work in forestry on a par with like activities in agriculture, forestrv officials state.
A Charming Compliment
The other night there was a banquet in San Francisco, given in honor of a highly esteemed, member of the Bohemian Club, and attended by many interesting men, and old friends of the guest of honor. Many lovely toasts and compliments were uttered, but the sweetest one, uttered by an old friend, was this one:
"When you came into the world, you were crying, and the world was laughing. And when you go out of the world, you will be laughing, but the world will be crying."
Hammond Camp Resumes Work
MILL CITY, Ore., March l4.-Hammond Lumber Company started operations yesterday at their camp near Mill City, which has been closed down since the holidays. Approximately 100 men ar,e employed at this camp, the logs being shipped to Mill City. Considerable snow remains in the mountains, but not enough to hinder logging operations.
Forestry Aid Measure Wins
SACRAMENTO, April S-The Assembly today concurred in the Senate constitutional amendment by Senator A. B. Johnson, Pasadena, which would exempt-from taxation forest timber, except merchantable timber, for a period of forty years after the time of planting or rerhoval of the original iimber for commercial purposes. _ The _proposed amEndment already having been adopted by the upper house, the measurC will norv go on the ballot at the next election. The proposal does not exempt land on which the timber is growing.
Proponents of the Johnson proposal contend that by-the contemplated tax exemption individual land owners will be encouraged to reforest- their lands, while at. present, it is said, pro-perty owners failed to pay taxes on their land after the tihbir his been removed, thus making it necessary for the separate counties to take over the property.
Pickering Lumber Co. has filed articles of- incorpo-ration at Sonora.- The company was organized in 1899 in Louisiana with a capital stock of $300,000.

Monrovia Yards Consolidate
The Foothill Lumber Company, recently established lt Monrovia, by Mr. Horace W. Mooney, has been consolidated with [he Monrovia Lumber & Milling Company, a pioneer institution established a number of years ago by Mr. Henrv Waterman. I
Mr. Waterman is to be president of the nelv company' to be operated under the nime of the,Monrovia Lumber & Milling Company, and Mr. Mooney will act as manager.
Visualize Your Goods
Even when piled neatly and attractively, LUMBER doesn't explain very much about itself.
The lumber industry hasn't reached the point where habit makes people see WHAT IT IS'and WHAT IT DOES with the same eye.
People buy many raw materials properly. They thinkfor instance-of bread, and cake, and biscuits, when they buy FLOUR, because they have learned the FUNCTIONS of flour, and think of them rather than of the raw material.
LUMBER hasn't reached that stage by any means.
When the lumbermen have educated people to think HOME, SHELF, BARN, etc., instead of LUMBER, just as they think BREAD, CAKE, BISCUITS, etc., instead of FLOUR, things will be as they should be.
Talk SHELTER in its various capacities.
DON'T have your townspeople think LUMBER when they think .of. you, because -LUMBER does NOT appeal to any of their sensibilities.
But so work, and so talk, and so act, and so advertise. that when they think of YOU, they think of the various wolderful things that your stock will BUILD, that means shelter, and comfort, and luxury, and service, and satisfaction, to the human race.