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JackDionn e,prblislrs

Incorporated under thc laws of California

J.C. Dlonnc, Prcr. and Tm.; Phil B. H$t, Vlce-Prer.; J. E. Marda, Secy. Publtshcd tho lrt and l5tA ol ach montt at 3TS.U.zO CENTRAL BUILDING, LOS AI\TGELES, CAL., TELEPHONE, VANdIKC IitS

Subrcription Pricc, $2lX! per Ycer Single Copicr, 25 ccntr each.

EnterGd ar Second-clau mattcr Septaber F, tyA- at thc PottotrlcG rt Lor Angclcr, Califomia, under Act of March 3, l!?0.


How Lumber Looks

Loo Angeler Harbor unloaded v€ry close to one hundred arrd thirty-five million feet of Fr and Redwood, inApril. The anrount of rmsold stock on the docks at thir port and the perriatence of tlre boats in continuing to chou tlp with tbb lumber, a goodly portion of which ia "uneoldr" ceem! to be the rnain topic of convertation in Southern Cdifornia Igmb€r circles. Reportr on the actual amount of urrold Iumber on thece dock varier ro widely that it is rmwise to print any of them"

Dircussing the actual market condition, in Southern Cdiforrria, it fu necerrary to rtate that pricer ctill l€ave rnuch to be decired. The wholecale rnarket particularly for the immediate part two wee&r, har been very, v€ry slWgbh. Inquiri€s ere few and far between, erpecially in Loc Angeler prop6, and cargo orderu have been placed at rock bottom lirtr lt reemc to be the accepted fact that thic ir all caured by the amount of *ockr at the harbor, causing thc dalertt to be quite rhy in buying and prornpting them to rhop. Why ir thir lurnber worth lc* money, prieee that rhow the millr a looo and the wholeealenr no profit, iurt because there ir lotr of it at San Pedro. The clothier and the grocer ir not cutting hir prices, we gladly pay the advertired price for hir wareq and he may have hrardredr of carloadr of tte rarne rtuff, in hir warehoure.

Let'r ertablieh romc pricer on lunberthat will show at leert a titios rnargin, and forget the fac-t that the,re happe,nr to be a few carloadr down at San Pedro, waiting for a buyer. There ir a lot of that rmrold ctock that i9 kept on hand for emergency orden, rizee, and le.ngthr and lotr that retailen need rometimel in a hurry. It b NOT all jurt random, unrold rneterlal

\ilhile the wholecale rnan ir taking low pricet, precurnably becaure he har too much lumber on hand, the retailer ir


Fred R. Roberts, formerly with the Newbegin Lumber Co., Tacoma, Wash., has moved to Long Beach, where he has acquired an interest in the Long Beach Mill & Cabinet Co.


As a part of his plan to bring home to the business men of the Northwest the importance of the lumber industry to them, llenry Schott addressed a meeting of the Portland Advertising Club on "Advertising A Basic Industry," A,pril

It costs three times as much to get a'new customer as it does to keep an old one, according to an authority who claims to have made a careful study of the costs. "A company is known by the custbmers it keeps," says another. i"WL "." paying -more attention to the ones we have and not so muih attention to the other fellow's," writes a third. Anyway the customer is a prize possession. Without him the coriidors of commerce would soon be empty. The cus-

Sen Francirco O6cc 900 Mlt.or Bld8. Phono Davclport ttl0f scrambling for busine$ on a lorp rnargin, mainly becaur he har ro many competitorr after the job that he ir bidding on. Hir stocka are not piled up sky high, in fact tte retail *ockr in Southern California are a! low as they have been for three yoars. Cornpetition ir making the retail pricec, and making them much too low.

.Advices from northern California ctate that the marka rhowe ver5r little change. There b a good vohune of lumber moving by cargo, the demand is fair with very little change in prices. The millr are reported to have plenty of cutting due to the Atlantic Coart demand and have rtrengthened their pricee on cutting itenrr.

There is very little change in the rail market. The de mand rtill continuee fair with no rnaterial change in pricel to the tr'ade or at tte mills. However, on epecificd ordcn, the millr are very firm on quotationr due to the eartern dc' rnand. Stockr in No. 2 Comrnonn No. 3 Clear and No. 4 Clear ere reported tcarce at the millr.

During the part two weekr the Sugar Pine Market hal been active" Denrand for Cdifornira White Pine har been fair. Practically all the Pine millr are now operating and ctocks are reported to be a little below normal for thir tinr,e of tte year. lVeather conditions in the eart have been bad for buitdfury operationr, but eest of Chicago thingr are besinr.ins to open up.

The Redwood market rhows practically no change" The demand continuer fair with pricee firrrr.

Although tte carpenteru' ctrike in the San Francirco Bay Dirtrict har not been very effective, it it the opinion of many that it has had a tendency to rlow up new buines.

Building perrnitr, in Lor Angelec, will totd a little over tcn million dollaft, for April.

12. Mr. Schott also addressed the members' forum of the Portland Chamber of Com,merce, April 19, on "Conservation" and gave a talk over the radio the same evening.

Arizona Opportunity

Capable man with $10,000 to $15,00O may have control of business established ten years and making money with volume of $3,000 to $5,0@ monthly. Profits will be guaranteed to proper person. Address Box 4-163, care California Lumber Merchant. 5-l-2 tomer is everything. Heis our only reasot for being in business. And yet the retail world is filled with instances rvhere he isn't handled very carefully. His real value, very often. isn't fully appreciated. We very frequently take him in a matter-of-fact sort of a way. Of course he isn't always right, but right or wrong we are for him ! The lumber industry can always use new consignments of first class customers.

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