1 minute read
California Redwood
Mr. Show lauded Hoo Hoo for the active Forestry work done by its members, and stated that all lumbermen, regardless of their connection with the business, should be actively interested in the efforts made by the State and National For'estry Boards, for the preservation and protection of our timber stands. He cited the errors that have been rnade in other states, and told of the intelligent action taken by a number of the large operators in their reforestation'work,'insuring posterity enough lumber for their needs.
He said that the state of California was the big lumber consuming state of the lJnion, that there was .more wood nsed per capita than in any other state.
The Forestry Co,mmittee of the Hoo Hoo Club is composed of David Woodhead, Chairman; E. D. Tennant, J. A. Thomas, B. W. Byrne, H. T. Didesch, W. H. Hamilton, L. J. Germain, Curtis Williams and Phil B. Hart.