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Forestry and Reforestation in the Sierras

IJnder the heading of the above title the California White and Sugar Pine Manufacturers' Association istelling its story to the public of California. The Association has retained part-time service of Mr. Winfield Scott, popular lecturer in the state, to ,make a series of talks before men's and women's clubs, including the various service organiza- tions, high schools, colleges, chambers of commerce and oth'er public bodies.

The talks are verywell illustrated with colored slides showing the forests of the state, and special emrphasis is placed upon the relation of fire to reforestation. Mr. Scott is not a trained forester but is an out-of-doors man, with forty years of experience in the forested parts of the country. He is promotion agent of the Western Pacific Rai!road, and during the past six months has been making a series of talks for the California Redwood Association, particularly stressing the nursery work and tree planting activities of the redwood lumber companies.

Mr. Scott's talks have been ver.r' -well received and a talk before one club has usually resulted in re,quests for talks before others in the vicinity. Part of this favorable reception is due to his ability as a lecturer and part is due to the fact that California lumbermen have more to offer in the way of reforestation activities than is generally known. Most of the redwood companies are ona sustained yield basis, regularly planting up their cut-over lands each year. Some 2,600,000 redwood seedlings were planted this last winter. Six of the large pine companies are also upon a sustained yield basis, and the California White and Sugar

Pine Manufacturers'Association has just opened a new Department of Research with Mr. S. R. Black, Forest Engineer, in charge to study the problems of the region with the view of speeding up reforestation work in the entire district as rapidly as practicable.

California, with one hundred years' supply of virgin redwood and two hundred years' supply of virgin pineand fir, has a basis for a talk on forestry unsurpassed by any other region. Add to this the steadily growlng praitice -of real reforestation ard the story becomes at once of vital interest to the general public of the state and should naturally result in a better public attitude toward the lumber indrrstry, once the facts are understood.


L. A. Beckstrom, former Sales Manager at Los Angeles for the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Company, and now engaged in the wholesale lumber business, in Lbs Angeles, for himself, has just returned from s, month's trip through the mills in Oregon and Washington.

. He will make an interesting announcement in the Mey l5th issue of this journal.

Essworthy To Manage Gustine Yard

Mr. W. H. (Bill) Essworthy, for several years past with J. C. Ferger in the Swastika Lumber Cgmpany, Fresno, has resigned to take the management of the yard at Gustine, recently bought by Mr. John Blancho from Miller & Lux.

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