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tellCALIETLT [Ise Under Floors

/^IALIFELT when placed under the foor lr.-, has an insulating value in addition to its sound deadening properties. It not only prevents disturbing noiees from the floor below in duplexes, fats or apartments. Califelt also keeps out dampness and cold, maintaining an even temperature through all aea80n8.

This guaranteed insulation comes in rolle 48 inches wide and 50 feet long, ready for delivery on the job and convenient application. Contractors and architects recognize the eficiency oI Califelt (hair-felt). Be ready for their orders-keep Califelt in stock for prompt deliveries.


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Is assured by a complete organization properly equipped to aerve the needs of the California Retailer.

20 years of fair dealing has given us the confidence of the Retail Trade.

We carry at San Pedro at all times a complete stock of Lumber for immediate shipment.

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MEtropolitan Z2l7

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Portland Garco Bldg, Main 3155

L. A. Hoo Hoo Observe Forest Week

The Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club anticipated the National Forest Week, by a few days, at their April 15th meeting, when Dave Woodhead and his Southern California Hoo I{oo Forest Forestry Committee were in charge of the meeting. There being no meeting of the Club during the proclaimed Forest Week, it was necessary to advance the clates in this way.

There was a good attendance. Dave and his committeenlen were put in charge of the meeting, the chairman presiding.

Some enjoyable music was ofrered, then an attendance prize, won by L. Urtason of the Fred Golding Lumber Company. R. E. Ford, Vice President of the Cadwallader Gibson Cornpany was introduced for the first time at this Club and he made a few remarks.

Mr. A. Spaulding, connected with the Los Angeles County l'orestry Board, was introduced and asked for a short talk on the work being done in conservation and reforestation, by the Southern California Boards.

Mr. S. B. Show, United District Forester for the State of California was the principal speaker, and he gave a very enjoyable address. He stated that @/ol of the forests in California were Government owned, and that the total forest area of the state was between fifteen and sixteen million acres of virgin growth. About l5/o of the original stand has been cut, and the annual cut amounts to close to one hundred thousand acres ,per year.

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