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Wooden Piling Stands the Gaff

Piling manufacturers will be interestetl in the accompan-r'ing illustration, reprinted ,by perrnissiorr of the Pacific Electric Con.rpany, I-os Angeles, iron.t their montl-rly magazine.

A crew of trvelve metr startecl on April 22rrt1, rvreckine the old M/harf No. 3 at Reclonclo lleach. This is the olcl Pacific Electric wharf that has stoocl for years, accommodating hundreds of lumber carriers f rom the Pacific Northrvest.

The most interesting thing to lumbermen is the fact that the wooden creosoted pil ings were taken from the ocean becl, practically all of them intact and in usable condition, and were taken to the Pacific Electric Cornpany's storage yards, for future use.

1'he piling rvere brokeir off at the bed of the oc ean and hoisted on deck, where the tremendolls accnmnlatiotr of marine growth, in some cases as much as a half ton on each stick, was removecl.

The original wharf was built in 1903-4 when creosoting was yet in its infancy, ancl the original piles were set green. They u'ere later replaced with treated poles, about 1910.


Mr. W. B. March, head of the W. B. March Lumber Company at Ivanhoe, enjoyed a few days in Los Angeles, the latter part of April.

Malcolm Sinclair Looks Over San Erancisco Market

Malcolm Sinclair, the well known Santa Cruz lumberman and manager of Wood Bros. Co., was a San Francisco visitor last week on business matters. While in the Bay District, he called on many of his lumberman friends and made a survey of lumber conditions in the Bay District.

Campbellmanaging Oceanside Yard

Mr. H.K. Campbell has been appointed manager of the Hayward Lumber Company yard at Oceanside.


(Classified Advertising in L. A. paper)

"Real lace evening gown, silk slip, pumps, picture hat and wedding ring, for sale, cheap. Phone


A Georgia farmer once wrote to his local newspaper asking "What the Sam Hill is the matter with my chickens? Every morning I find one or two of them keeled over and cold as a brick.l' To which the obliging editor replied : "They're dead, pardner-they're dead."

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