2 minute read

"Dad, what is an adveftisement?"
"An advertisement isa picture o'f a ty girl eating, wearing, holding, 9r driving something 16 ssll"-Jypo Graphic.
t someone wants
I dcin't think much of a man who is not wiser today tlian he was yesterdap-lincoln. .:
They who will not be counselled, cannot be helped. If you do not hear reason, she will rap you on your knuckles.
-Benj. Franklin. \ ^
-Finishing Topics. \
The whale gets into trouble only !(6n he starts to blow.
A brass band is the only organiz.)q{n thet.can come to blows and still have harmony.-Finishi,ng Topics.
God feeds the birds, but He doesn{frrow the food into iheir nest.-Greek Prorrerb. / \
, Admiral Sims was-talking about racial-characteristics at a dinner party.
'lEight men," he said; "were once wrecked on a dcsert island. A year latec a strip picked ther.n up. The skipper of the ship noted in his log that:
"The two Irishmen fought each other twice a day during the entire year.
"The two Scotchmen had founded a Calodonian Society.
"The two 'Englishmen had not spoken because they had not been introduced.
"The two Americans had opened a real estate agency in a palm leaf hut, with a,Rotary Club and a Boost6rs League in the basement."
The following is a Buddhist prayer:
"Never will I receive private individual salvation-never enter into final peace alone; but fo,rever and everywhere will I live and strive for the universal redernption of every creature throughout all the world. Until they are delivere.d, never will'I leave the world of sin, sorrow and struggle, but will remain where I am."
The following are religious extracts from the Hindoo:
"Blessed is that man and beloved of all the Gods who is afraid of no man, and of whom no man is afraid."
"Better one moment of silent contemplation and inw,ard love, than seventy thousand years of outnrard worship."
"Oh, God, show pity toward the wicked, for on the good Thou hast already bestowed Thy mercy by having created them virtuous."
"Whoso would carelessly tread one worm that crawls the earth, that heartless one is darkly alienate from God; but he that living, embraceth dl things in his love, to live with him God bursts all bounds, above, below."
Hubbard Health
"People who strive for health torium, for vitality plus co,mes on think much about it; and character by those who forgct character and ICE. Dyspeptics are people who
gestive apparatus."-Elbert H
headed for the sanito those who do not ise is evolved best their lives in SEFIiVno faith in their di-
'"Jimmie," said the teacher, "what is your greatest ambition?"
"Jimmie considered. thoughtfullp
"I think," he'said, "it is to wash motlierfs ears." ' '''
"I wonder how.many men will be.m,ade unhappy when I marry?" mused the first flapper.

"Why, how many do you expect to marry?" asked her friend.
These are the times that try Sren's souls.
:The summer soldier and the s\pshine patriots will in this crisis shrink from the service o\ his country; but he that stands it NOW, deserves the loft and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like Hell, is not\asily conquered; yet wehave this consolation with us, tha\he harder the conflict, the more glorious.the triumph. Wh{ we attain too cheap, we esteean too lightly;'tis dearness fnly that gives eyerything its value. Heaven knows howfto put a proper price upon its goods; and it should be stra;[ge indeed, if so celestial an article as FREEDOM shoulflnot be highly rated.Thos. Paine in "The Crisis." /