2 minute read
Age not guaranteed-r"-ii'{:::trd for 2o years-some less. He Wouldn't Stand for It
The best "cullud" story of the past winter is that of the two colored gentlemen who met on the street corner, one of them being the holder of a note signed by the other, and long, long overdue.
'jBoy)' said the note-holder aggressively, goin' t' pay off that note Ah bin holdin' fer time? .Ah wants to know when?"
"when yo'all sech a long
"Niggahr" said the debtor, sorrowfully, "Ah shuah aims t' pay dat note de fust time "A.h has de money, but Ah lacherally ain't bin able t' pay it, an Ah caint pay it yit. Dassall !"
"You bin tellin' me dat same line ob talk fo' six mont's
The hardware and sash and door establishment of C. L. Jacobson, Huntington Park, was damaged by fire to the possible extent of $20,000, on April lgthl
The Best in Oak Flooring Manufacture
A shipment of Long-Bell trade-marked oak fooring reaches you in first clasE .sndifiq1-tfu6 reeult of standards of manufacture, loading and shipping unsurpassed in the industry. Study these points of auperiority: l-The greatest care ig used in the selection of raw material.
2-All the elements of ldln drying are under exacting control.
3-The utmost precision in the operation of mechanical equipment.
4-A system of grading and inspection pledging the best and moet uniform results.
5-Careful loading and every precaution to prevent damage in transit.
It is constant adherence to theae practices which assures the dealer of having in Long-Bell trade-marked oak fooring, a product as near perfect as man and machinery can make it.
Plantr at
P_lr. B!uS,_Art._ Hele.. 1|rk. tonsville, h. (Lonr-Bcll Brrad) (Superiof Brrad) llong:B-eli-Blandl
The Long-Bell Lumber Company
H. A. Long Bldg., Kurar Clgr, ,Mo; Lunbcnen Singd itf5.
no-w, boy, an Ah ain't goin' t' wait much longah. No suh ! 4h'm _goin' t' have t' do somethin' t' make yo' pay me. Suttinly am !"
"Niggah," inquired the debtor, pricking up his ears at this subtle threat, "whut is yo' aimin't' do?"
"Aih'se aimin' t' take dishere note ob yourn an, burn it up! At's what Ah'm aimin't' do! Den whut would yo' do? Ah axes yo'?"
The debtor pulled himself up belligerently, his eyes fashing. "Lemrne tell you somethin', niggah! Doan you try no sech trick as dat wid me, see? Cause if you evah tries burnin' up d4t note ob mine, Ah'm goin' tt slap a lawsuit on you so quick you won't know whut hit you, iee?',
Hardwood Man Makes Change
Mr. S. D. Beaver, formerly in the-,sales department w-ith the W. E. Cooper Lumber Company, Los- Angeles, has gone with Nickey Bros. Inc., in the same city.
Continuous Testinl
$rmplec arre cut fiom every liln'tnrck of lun6er, weighed on afnelyadjustedgram scaler baked bone dry in an. clectric oven, then re.weighed. By this e:acti.g proce!! wc mate sure that enery piece of tunber destined for (€vcrhsting" Hardwood Flooring containr the prcper tnoistute content There ir no gueocwork, at aay stage of nanufacture.
GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN 'Tk Hqc of Finc ll/oodoo*ingn