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Califonria Redwood Commissioners Return From Australia and New Zealand Trip

H. M. Cochran, Union Lumber Co., San Francisco; Henry Faull, Hammond Lumber Co., San Francisco; H. E. Crawford, The Pacific Lumber Co., Scotia, and J. H. Quill, Redwood Export Co., Eureka, have returned to San Ftrancisco after a four months' trip through Australia and New Zealand,.where they were making a survey of lumber marKet conoltlons.

The party sailed from Vancouver, B. C., arriving at Sydney January 8, twenty-three days being used to make the trip. In speaking of the trip, Mr. Faull stated that Australia imports about 4O,00O,000 feet of Redwood annually, and the purpose ofthe trip was to study lumber conditions there, and also get acrquainted with the importers and lu'mber 'merchants. Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane, Newcastle and Dunedin were among the larger cities visited.

Mr. Faull said that the party were very much impressed with the harbor at Sydney, which he stated is the largest harbor in Australia and one of the finest harbors in the world. Sydney is the largest city in Australia, having a population of 1,300,0@. Melbourne, Victoria, is the second largest city with a population of 900,000, with Adelaide, South Australia, ranking third with a population of 250,000. He stated that the people of Australia and New Zealand


The O. E. Chase Lumber Co. of Pacific Grove has just completed the construction of a new shed that -will be used for the storage of windows, doors and building materials.

O. E. Chase is manager of this concern.


Two "Redwood Better Homes", one at Stockton and the other at Sacramento, were recently constructed and opened for inspection during "Better Homes Week."

For the Stockton "Redwood Home". the luunber was furnished by the San Joaquin Lumber Co. The home is the "Hathaway" design and was constructed by William Peenstra. The lumbe.r for the Sacramento home was furnished by the Friend & Terry Lumber Co. and is the "Westover" design.

Both transactions for the building of these homes were consummated by the California Redwood Association. Both of these attractive homes are for sale.

are very progressive, and are especially interested in up todate methods of manufacturing.

He said that the party was greatly indebted to the importers and lumber merchants of Australia and New Zealand for the many courtesies and wonderful hospitality extended to them. Lumber representatives from the United States are always welcome in Australia and New Zealand,, he stated. The party arrived in San Francisco, April 6, on the S.S. Matsonia.

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