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Fruit Growers Supply Company
Manufacturcn of C,alifomia White and Sugnr Ptne Lumber Milb et Suranvillc and Hilt, CaL
15O,(X)0,O0O Fe€t Annrret Cepacity
B. W. ADAMS, Mgr. Salce Dcpt.
Fird National Bank Bldg. - San Franc,irco
The above very interesting composite photograph is the work of Mr. John D. Cress, "Forest Fotographer" of Seattle. Mr. Cress is a specialist in lumber photography and an authority on timber matters of the Pacific Northwest. This particular picture is appropriate, just after American Forest Week.
X{r. Cress attaches the following figures' and information with the picture:
The remaining stand of Western Hemlock, Douglas Fir, Sitka Spruce. Red Cedar and other varieties of Timber in tlre Pacific Northwest in 1925 was ONE THOUSAND BILLION FEET-nearly one-half the standing timber in the country.
Annual cut for all purposes EIGHT BILLION FEET.
Increase by growth and Reforesting, THREE Billion Feet.
Estimating future increase in cut and destruc.tioq-!y lightning fires at TEN BILLION FEET there is ONE HUNDRED YEARS' SUPPLY IN SIGHT. Reforestation can Ss made to supply FIVE BILLION feet annually-and probably by scientific thinning to pr.oduce a quicker growth the full Ten Billion Feet may be maintained.
THE TIMBER SUPPLY OF THE FUTURE deperds upon scientific assistance to natural reforestation; replanting of some barren areas ; closer utilization of the timber; loiver taxation of the growing croP until cut; and as lightning is the only uncontrollable cause, eternal vigilance to - PREVENT FOTREST FIRES !
Be temperate ln all thingsIt pays dividends.
Dry Kilns
Moore'r natural draftand mechanical recirculating kilna of practical and modern types.
Complete line of drv kiln equipment, auch as trucl$r transfer carr, recording and regulating instruments, lumber lifte and fat and edge lumber rtackerr.