1 minute read

Arveek latefrtlrts half'millton foot order TYas onitsrralr

The McCormick aim is to rendq a comPlete service to lumber buyers

nN sATURDAy morning our Philadelphi" office

V closed an order for a half-million feet with alarge industrial buyer on t'he Atlarrtic seaboard. Just one week late4thfu shipment was on itswayfrom the Pacffic Northwest in a Mdormick steamship.

This example of prompt service is jtrst anevery-day happening in the McCormick organization: McCormick ttwon its spurstt as a distributor of lumber. An intimate knowledge of the source of supply has given our buyers not only quick service, but the pick of the best lumber at right prices.

On this foundation, McCormick is now building a t*ly national lumber service. McCormick steamshipt nowmaintain aweekly sailing from coast to coast. From our own offices in the greatlumber-consuming centers, our men are in constant touch with lumber buyers.

And here in Oregon and Washington, four McCormick mills with agreatstand of good timber, will soon b" T oieration. Give tid a"chance to figure on your requirem.ents. You aie in business to make money out of lumber. We can help ygu.

Gtras. R. MeGornick Lunber Go.

SALES OFFICES : Porthnd, San Francisco, Los Angeles,sro-1.Diego, Ncz,' York,Ph;14&lPhid. MILIS (under construction "t lN rc-building): St. Helens, Oregon; Port Ludlon, and PortGamble, l ' Washingtoz. TREATING PLANT: Sr. Helens, Orcgon._l

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