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39 Initiated, Hoo Hoo Club Launched in Rousing meeting at McCloud

Through the splendid work of a little group of local lumbermen, aided by the Parson, Hoo-Hoo was established as an important factor in the life of the lumber community of McCloud, Cal., March 31.

Thirty-nine candidates were initiated by an inexperienced but capable Nine, and plans completed for the folmation of a Hoo-Hoo Club.

The McCloud River Lumber Co., which is the heart of the community, contributed generously to the success of the occasion, providing the hall where the meeting was held and furnishing a fine dinner and ladies of the Rebekah Lodge to serve it. And everv candidate is an employe of the company.

The Parson arrived at McCloud several days in advance of the Concat and found a little group eager to help put the Concat over. He initiated eight members in an infonmal concat and then instructed them in'the Ritualistic work

G. A. Horskette, 31651, and E. R. Ryan, 31323, both formerly of Bend, Ore., and W. H. Fishburn, 15149, were the only old-timers available to help.

Despite the fact that rnost of the officers had just been initiated into the Order. the Nine functioned in fine fashion. Here's the lineup: Snark, the Parson ; Senior, B. W. Lakin, general manager of the McCloud Lumber Co.; Junior, G. A. Ilorskette; Bojum, C. B. Daverey; Scrivenoter, E. R. Ryan ; Jabberwock, J. M. Longdon; Custocatian, W. H. Fishburn; .r\rcanoper, Rober Ferrol; Gurdon, Frank I. Dwies.

A business session followed the Concat. with the follorvins results:

It was unanimously voted to apply to the Supreme Nine for a charter for a Hoo'Hoo Club.

C. T. Kernohan,2325l, one of the best-known and most popular lumbermen of the state, was nominated for the office of Vicegerent Snark for the McCloud District.

A resolution was adopted asking permission of the Supreme Nine to dedicate the Concatenation to Tom A. McCann, deceased, of Minneapolis, formerly vice-president of the Shevlin-Carpenter-Clark Co.

A coanmittee consisting of C. T. Kernohan, John M. Longdon, C. B. Daveney, R. L. Ferrol, H. P. Tardie, Elmer E. Hall and W. H. Fishburn, was appointed to complete the plans for the Hoo-Hoo Club.

Following the fine feed furnished by the company, a vote of thanks was given by the membership. Responding to this, General Manager Lakin said he was mighty glad to see plans under way for a Hoo-Hoo Club, the want of which had impressed him very much. More social life and a service of the nature the Hoo-Hoo Club can give are very ,much rreeded in l\{cCloud. he said.

Brothers Drvies, Longdon, Horskette, Ryan, Ponto, Ferrr-'i, Caldwell and Kernohan followed with short talks, and the Parson closed the speaking program with an excellent address. Announcement was made that the McCloud Co. rvill permit the use of its hall as headquarters for the club. It was also announced that another Concat will be held during the spring.

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