1 minute read


GREAT reputation preceded El Rey Asphdt Roofing to'make it rielcome in the rooting in' dustry-of California-

The rautation of the LosAngeles Papn Manui"rii"s C.ompiny for makinlg the hilhest grade toofngfeh oi the Pacifc Coast.

That reputation walt well founded. This- concern wall ";;i-[il-;a;eers in the production of roofing. felt' For more thin a quarter of a century it has been burrdng up a huge plant and perfecting its processes to the highest foint of eftciency.

All this lons experience it carries over intothe manufac' ;;; .t'"'n*JnJ product-El Rey Asphdg -noo$s' fi.t" i"-.intained ibo th" eame etrictregaJd{orpains'

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Asphalt Roofing is positively assuted.

Vhenever vou recommend El Rey Asphdt Roofing-to a customerr you a"e ba&ed uP by the judgment ot huna*a" Jbl.itic Coast roofeti-men*ho-knors t{re rep"t"e"" tttit house has sustained for a quarter of a century'

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