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Nine Kittens Initiated at Oakland Concatenation

Nine Kittens had their tails properly curled while beine introduced to the mysteries of the '-'onion Datch', at the Bai District Hoo-Hoo Concatenation held at ihe Oakland Hotel, Oakland, on Friday evening, April 16. The Concatena- tion.was lqgety attended, thire being over 125 ,,active Cats" on the side-lines to .watch the Neophytes do their !tug. Following the Concatenation, whiih was held at 8:00 P.M.,-th.ere was an excellent buffet supper served.

The initiation was in charge of Charles Limb, president of the Eagt Qay Hoo-Hoo Club, who acted as Vicegerert Snark. The following, all active Hoo-Hoo members" from the Oakland District, acted as his co-workers in putting on the ritual: Senior Hoo-Hoo, Merrill Robinson;'Junio-r Hoo-Hoo, Rod Hendrickson; Gurdon, W. C. Simp5el; 1a6- berwock, Clyde Speer; Custocatian, Nat Edwards; Scii.re- noter, Milt H_endrickson; Boju,m, A. E. Shallish, and Arcanoper,_Jack Oliver. The regular members of the Bay Dis- trict Nire were present and introduced the Oakland"members who served on the Nine.

and the Hoo-Hoo Saxophone Quartette, under the leadership of George Troth, -played--several excellent numbers. The..Moore Sjplers, expert Charleston dancers, gave a fine exhibition, w_hile Corinne Engle sang some pop-ular songs in a very efficient manner. The Moire Sistirs also gaie several excellent musical duets with the violin and coriet.

The Kittens initiated were:

Harold C. Hill. California land. &'Oregon Lumber Co.,

Ray B. Cox, Built-in-Fixture Co., Berkeley. * Willard B. Jefferson, Greater City Lurnber Co., San t' ranclsco.

Lloyd M. Allen, Smith I,umber Co. of Oakland, Oakland.

.Robert Cameron, Peninsula T-umbermenls Club, palo Alto.

J. R. Kinney, Zenith Lumber & Mill Co.. Oakland.

Hugo W. Sommerstrom, Clinton Mill & Lumbe Co., m, Lumber Oakland.

Philip Huber, Sunset Lu,mber Co.. Oakland.


The Jollowing were awarded prizes for bringing inKittensj.George Troth, card case ; L. J. Woodson, lnalch hold- er;.C-!f{! Speer, cigar cutter; J. A.-Stapleton, cigarette case, and C. H. Sands, gold watch ihain.

Following the 5ufiet supper, there. was an e5cellent e:r- tertainment which continued until nearly midniEht. The Oakland Har.mony Four rendered severaf fine voial soios.

Arvid A. Frisendahl, Clinton Mili & Lumber Co., Oak_ land.

The Co.mmittee o{ Arralg_ements in charge of the Con_ catenation was made up of Chas. Lamb, Frink L. parker, Milt H-endrickson, Geoige Troth, J. A. Wentworth, Ctya.i Speer, W. C. Simpson and Mer.rill Robinson.

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