1 minute read

, A Messq,ge for Mr. Frank J. Peil

Purchasing Agent of the Patten & Davies Lumber Co.

Los tLngeles, Calif.

Lumber merchants of today are faced with the problem of carrying in stock an excessive number of competitive building materials. Particularly is this true in the case of walllroard. There are perhaps a dozen brands of this material, all about the same price, all apparently of equal merit.

But there is one wallboard which has certain outstanding features which you, and other experienced lumber merchants, cannot afford to overlook when making wallboard recommendations to your customers. ft is Buttress lD(raflboard-a superior product that possesses four striking qualities:

1. It's stronger!

2. ft's more fexible!

3. It deadens sound!

4. ft defies fire!

\trfe are telling home builders more about these three points in our advertising,-points that are backed by certain definite figures, the results of the most convincing tests.

And so, Mr. Peil, one of our salesmen is going to call on you at an eatly date. 'We trust that you will give him an opportunity to tell you more fully the Buttress story. Buttress Manufacturing Company, 6910 So. Alameda St., Los Angeles, Calif.


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