1 minute read
tGmphis Hardwood
Floori ng Go. trtsnphis, rdrn.
And Didributed By
E. M. SLATTERY BRoadwey 1496
315 Produce Bldg., lor Angelcr
GEO. C. CORNITIUS Amer. Natl. Bank Bldg. San Francirco
SAMUEL R. NORTON Henry Bldg. Portland
R. F. Wells, Turlock.
B. R. DuVall, Ripon.
W. H. Besecker, Oakdale. George Ground, Modesto.
H. C. Henry, Modesto.
J. U. Gartin, Modesto.
W. O. Mashek, Modesto.
H. M. Schaur. Tracv. George 'Good,'Tracy.
T. H. McPhearson. Escalor.r.
S. J. Irwin, Escalon. Chas. Moorehead. Escalon,
A.M. Smatt, Manteca.
{. P. O'Connor, Glendale, Oregon.
C. G. Corkran, Medford, Oregon.
,G. Cornwall, Portland, Oregon.
A. Bevan, Seattle, Washington.
R. G. Kimbell, Washingtcn, D. C.
The Peoples Lu,mber Company has yard at Piru. The yard was opened is the only one at this ooint.
YARD bought the Ganahl but a year ago, and
Twenty-two days out from Balboa, C.2., the little lumber steamer Bertie M. Hanlon arrived at San Pedro on April 15th to load fuel oil. She was en route to Eureka to re-enter the coastwise lumber trade after making a trip to Miami, Florida. She made the long voyage undei a special charter, carrying 2C0,C00 board t-eet 'of" hardwood tt"ttsshipped from the Philippines at San Francisco.
The Bertie M. Hanlon is one of the smallest commercial steamers which has entered into the intercoastal trade in recent years,
Trees hayo gror! over this buricd Rcd. wood for X50 tcgrr. But the cut htb tbc old Redwood rbors clear, sound wood fit to be sawn iato highest grade lum-
Annu.al rings of trees growlng over tnls Redwood show it has lain on moist ground ovef two centunes. It is sound; free from dccay or eve! worm holes.
Over this 600 ycar old Redwood. trees closc to 200 I ' years old havc grown. Yct the cut shows the buricd Redwood sound and free from decay.
Whg Reduood Salisfies
rarucular Luslomers
The life history of three Redwood trees that tic in the California forests is the best tcatimony to Redwood's Dermanence and resistatce to rot. Though rcstirg in moist ground and iovercd with moss. mold ard forcst debris for lrom 250 to aaout 400 vcars. not one of then is decayed, Worms have not bored into them. Cut i'nto at random, their wood 6bre is as bright and sound as that in a live Redwood iust felled- This rot-resistance earns Redwood orefercnce ovei other ommercial u'oods. and explains ite increasing usi by builders, architecta aud constructron engrneera, ,yite for Information or TPL Co. lAmber anil milluorb.