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DougX.as Fir for Am.enica's Sturdi.est Sma[[ lF{ona.es
OUGLAS FIR is the natural choice of the home builder.
For years a widely used commercial wood, today it adapts itself to a greater variety of uses than any other sofrurood.
Developments in manufacturing methods and kiln drying have further extended its usefulness.
Important have been the contributions to that development in LongBell manufacturing plants at longview,Wash.,where continued study is being made to improve methods of production.
ItsMany Uses
The snength, durability and beaury of grain of Douglas Fir adapt it to use throughout consmrction.
From the stutdiest framing to the fine texture and beauty of interior rim,Douglas Fir answers every purpose adeqately.
The kiln drying of Long-BeU Douglas Fir lumber is no small factor in making it best fit for these uses.
Today, Douglas Fir is being used as framing, rafters, joists,sills, flooring,siding ftames and interior trim.
These Impmtant Ailoantages
It is these advantages, and more, which LongBell methods of manufacture ofier buyers of Douglas Fir lumber:
Snaight dimension makes sraight walls and level floors. LongBell trade-marked Douglas Fir dimension stays straight, and flooring, ceiling and siding do not have to be forced to rnake tight joints.
An average of86 per cenrof the pieces of LongBell Douglas Fir dimension and common boards are all llean, and more than 78 per cent of the entire production s all heort.
Long-Bell forests contarn a high percentage of large yellow Douglas Fir, u'hrch produces the softest fir finish of great hurt content and beautiful grarn effects.
All Long-Bell rade-marked Douglas Fir lumber is trade-marked to rdentrfy it readily to the buyer
Colif ornio W hite P ine Lumbq
When Homc,Buildlng
Time C,omes l[UUtLD forthe tomonowsllJ, the rcrt of home that pre, scwer its growingwealth of asociations through many years.Look well to the materials and thc wotlmanship, use the skill and orperience of one oJ'those master builders in your com. munity who insists on good wort. manship ., and krrnr tlle lumbet :rlr&nq.
Californra Whrte Ptne has many advantageous uses in construction and rn indusrial consumption. LongBell trade-marked Califomia White Prne lumber and shop lumber are produced at'Weed, Calif., from an excellent stand of timber grown at high altitude.
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Shippos: Vood today is the desirable material for boxes and containers for safe delivery at destination.
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Long-BeU Oak Floofing
Long-Bell trade-marked oak flooring 6nds ready place in the laytngof sauicefuIe floors. It is most economical to lay and finish, because of its excellence of manu' facnrre. lt makes a beautiful,lasting floor.
The trade-mark on all LongBell prod' uc$ is more than a name. lt means more than fifty years of'experience as lumbermen,and is found only on lumber products that give maximum value to the builder.
Aslc yrur retail lumber dealet THE LONC-BELL LUMBER COMPANY R.A-t nf Bl&! K.FrCitY'Mo. l{.D.'ni tls tt?t