5 minute read

Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club

_ The regular monthly _meeting of the Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club, hdtd at the-Senator Hotel on Saturday, April 17, was ddgnated as a Service Meeting for the ,.Men Who Meet the Trade." For this occasion, th"e Club had as their guest and speaker of the day, W. H. Hainei, Assiiiant Salesmanager, Standard Oil Cdmpany, Sacramento, who rendered a very instructive talk on',,Siivice,,.

"I-earn the value of a smile and render willing, cheerful, smilin,g s€rvice," is one of the primary essentialj'taught to their Service Station Salesmen, Mr. Haines asserted] He gave an interesting- sketch of their Service Station develop- ment, stating that their operations in this branch dated back some yea-rs ago, when the company pur,chased 30 Service Stations from an independent operaior in the San Francisco Bay District. With these stati,ons as a nucleus. he stated. that the company now operates over 700 Service Stationi in the Pacific Coast territory, comprising the states of Cali- fornia, Oregon, Washington, Nevada aid Arizona.

Mr. Hines said that special care was taken in the selection of employees at their Service Stations, a special depart- ment.being-maintained for this purpose. In making their selections, the men must have - thiee necessary r6quire- mgTtl: !hey- must be between the ages ol 2O and 27 years, a high school graduate, and must pass a rigid physicil examination. They teach their men to know the value of a smile and require them at all times to render willing, cheerful, smiling service; they impress on them the responsibility they owe to the company, and also the responsibitity thcy owe to themselves and their fa.milies.

He stated that the Service Station Department maintains an educational course in which all the employees participate.

Examination questions pertainirg to their work are forwarded the men everv week. which are later examined and graded and returned-to the-employees. A nominal charge is made for this course, he explained, stating that from eiperiences they have found that when a nominal charge is made, the employees retain more interest intheir stuties.

Mr. Haines' address was very interesting and informative ald in- closing his remarks, he impressed bn the gathering the value of a s,mile as a powerful asset, and cheerfulnes-s as invaluable in the mattef of salesmanship and business.

George Cornwall, Portland, gave an interesting talk on the purposes of "American Forest Week', and ctiosed his remarks with a talk on Florida from observations made on a recent trip to the "Everglade State".

President E. S. McBride presided over the business session of the meeting.

Robert Inglis, Stockton, and George Grouncl, Modesto, members of the Inter-Relations Committee from the Central California Lumbermen's Club, were called on for remarks. Mr. Inglis said that the Central California Club would like to work with the committees of other clubs so that thev could_co-operate and work out many of the problems thai would be of mutual interest to all.- Throug6 co-operative effort and co-ordinated activity of the Inter-lelations Com_ mittees of the various clubs, li-e thought that much gooa to the industry could be accomplished. *

Jeff Corkran, Owen Oregon Lumber Co., Medford, Ore_ gon, who after an absence from California ior the past two years, where he was connected with the co*pr.ry;s opera_

(Continued on Page 24)


Broklyn Ralmond

Carmel Jane Christcnson eo., South Bend. Wash. lcwia Milb & Timber Co- South Bend. Wash.

Hulbert Mlll Co., Aberdeen. Wash.

J. A,. Lcwis Shingle Co., South Bend, Wash.

Grayr Harbor Charlec Cbrirtcuon

Cathcrine G. Sudden Ednr Chrigtcnron pggct Lunbcr Co, Vrncouvcr, B. C.

Dirtributing Agentr for Clerk-Nickcrron Lumbcr Co, Evcrctt, \lfarh.

P"gp.uy Lunber Co, Tacone, \f,ferl.

Dc6rncc Lunbcr Co, Tacoma, WarL.

WLitacy Co., Grribeldi, Orc.

Littlc Rivc Rcdwood Co, Hunboldt Bry.

W. R. Chambcrlin, Jn Barbara C Phyllir Dan F. Hulon

Stanwooc Bertic Henloa

YEIIOW FIR verticar ol" il#: .. .. Shop

Random Grain Ceiling

",':, '::, ilLtJt3?'',," Shop




""T"' "o?ff"li,,". Timbers


Bevel Siding

Bungalow Siding


Factory Lumber

Box Lurnber

Ladder Stock

Drain Boards



Our Lumber ir not Cbeap, neither is our Quality or Service

(Continued irom Page 22) tions at Medford, was welcomed back to California bv President McBride. Mr. Corkran responded in his usual gracious manner, stating that he was going to represent the Owen Oregon interests in this section with headquarters in Sacramento, and was glad to get back again to California.

George Ground announced that the Central California Lumbermen's Club was contemplating holding their May meeting at Calaveras Grove during the middle of the month, and extended an invitation to the members to ioin them on this trip.

President McBride appointed Curtis Cutter, Oscar IVIiller and C. D. LeMaster to act on the Arrangements Committee for the,midyear "Ladies' Day Meeting," which will be held in June.

The following were present: e carlotd or e *icht

E. S. McBride, President, Davis Lumber Co., Davis.

C. D. LeMaster, Secretary, Sacramento.

Ed. Norton, Cutter Mill & Lumber Co., Sacramento, Chester A. Minar4 Cutter Mill & Lumber Co., Sacramento.

Howard Gunton, Gritzmacher & Gunton, San Francisco.

Dcwey Schelmer, Sacramento.

Guy L. Camden, General Supply Co,, Fair Qaks.

W. F, Knox, Superior Lumber & Fuel Co., Sacramento.

G. W. Gorman, The Whitney Company, Sacramento.

Cy Perkins, Friend & Terry, Sacramento.

Walter Miller, Knox Lumber Co., Sacramento.

Homer Derr, J. M. Derr Lumber Co,, Elk Grove.

William \lllilson, R. O. Wilson Lumber Co., San Francisco.

Dick Ransom, Friend & Terry, Sacram€nto.

Joe Holmes, Woodland Lumber Co., Woodland.

Tom Anderson, Woodland Lumber Co., Woodland.

L. R. Baker, Tilden Lumber & Mill Co., Sacramento.

H. C. Ferguson, Tilden Lumber & Mill Co., Sacramento.

Bill Hall, U. S. Gypsum Co., Sacramento.

Joe Shepard, Friend & Terry, Sacramento.

J. M. Montgomery, Silver Falls Timber Co., Stockton.

O. L. Russum, Chas. R.,McCormick Lumber Co., Stockton.

L. W. Heringer, Sacramento Lumber Co., Sacramento.

R. E. Tracy, Friend & Terry, Sacramento.

"Hi'' I{enry, Booth-Kelly Lumber Co., Modesto.

.qrccd lurnbcr qui&?



5th errd Brannra Str., Sea Frudroo

WHOLESALERII wit) conplctc rtoc|tr on hrnd in rll grrdoq both odinrry rnd unururl rizcr:







REDTYOOD (workcd)



Chas. Shcpard, Friend & Terry, Sacramento.

Fred Hamliq Paramino Lumber Co.. San Francisco.

Jcfi Corkran, Owcn-Orcgon Lumber-Co.. Sacramcnto.

Harry PcffIey, Fricnd & Terry, Sacrameirto.

Oscar Miller, Knox Lumbcr Co., Sacramcnto.

Robert Inglis, San Joaquin Lumber Co., Stockton.

Lawrence Chapman, Sacramento Lumbcr Co., Sacramento.

Carl Hornibrook, Hutchinson Lumber Co.. Orovillc.

G. Cornwall, Timbcrman, Portland.

W. H. Haines, Standard Oil Co., Sacramcnto.

Qeerge Ground, Modesto Lumber Co., Modesto.

J. E. Martin, "California Lumbcr Merchant", San Francisco.


"Cal" Pine, Guardian of The Grades.

That is the title of the recently issued fifty page volume, produced by the California White and Sugar Pine Manufacturers Association, for distribution to retail and wholesale lumbermen, all over the country.

It isaworkof art in construction. and is a book that every lumberman should have. Copie's may be secured by addressing Mr. Austin Black, care the Association, 60O Call Building, San Francisco.

The book is profusely illustrated with samples of all grades of the California Pines, and with designs of all stock mouldings, sidings, etc. ft covers the grading rules thoroughly, giving a clear description of all of the materials manufactured from these popular woods, tells the cutting values of various grades and gives a host of other essential information.



Vicegergnt Snark I,. L. Walker of the San Joaquin Valley Hoo Hoo District, with his loyal Nine, is planning a monster Concatenation and Entertain,ment, to be held at Bakersfield on the night of May 22nd.

Details are not yet completed but will be mailed after the next meeting of the Executive Committee, to be held at Fresno.

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