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lVl"dera Sur* Pin.
A True White Pine Water CureLAir Dried
Nothing could bc bettcr for pattern rtock and planing mill lumbcr for all purpolc!, than our wide, thick, soft textured lumbcr. It coma from California Sugar Pinc treea, which arc famour for their exceptional size and quality.
ITHE long double re-enforcement of the I legs, extra large wheel forks and spin' dles forged all in one piece' gusseted deck frames, and heavy gripper shoes-all make for a sturdy strength that maintains the Willamette Carrier at highest eficiency day after day. Yet with all its practical strength, there is a remarkable llexibility that allows for uneven decks and rough country roads with zo strain on the power plant.
Send tor the nen, lolder "For handling Iumbet in mill or yard"gives tull specifcations. Address Carrier Division