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Boosting a Cull
A well known sheet steel firm tells of a dealer whom they discovered employing a syctem for turning a cull into a highly marked article of merchandise.
This concern stamps its name and trademark on all of its product, including its "Seconds," but in the case of the latterthey stamp in plain view the word "Second," so that all may understand that this is No. 2 and not No. I stock.
They had a dealer who bought only their No.
Arizo,na Retailers to Meet
May 14th and 15th are the dates; Nogales, Arizona, the location,.of the Annual Meeting of the Lumbermen's Club of Arizona, according to late advices from officers of the Club.
Great plans are being laicl this year for a very interesting meeting, speakers of prominence having signified their intention of attending and many educational features are being arranged for by the co'mmitteemen.
There will be a Golf Tournament, and visitors to bring their sticks. are urged
Saturday evening, the 15th, the Annual Banquet will be given complimentary by the Northern Arizona mills. The Cady Lumber Company, Arizona Lumber & 'fimber Company, the Saginaw & Manistee Lumber Comrpany and others are providing the funds for this feature which will include an array of talent imported from Los Angeles.
2 stock, and tftey discovered that he wac printitg th" words "TO NONE," after their stamp "SECONDT" so that instead of being marked a cull, as the producers intended, each sheet was marked "SECOND TO NONE."
The fellow evidently was tihe direct descendant of sorne old cattle nrstler of days gone by who used to change the brand on cattle so that it looked like his own, only this dealer went the rustler one better, and pro[ably stayed strictly within t'he }aw whileexploiting the cull stock.
H. Wentworth, manager of the Santa Cruz yard of the Homer T. Hayward Lu,mber Co., was a San Francisco visrtor last week on company business matters. While in the Bay District, he took a little time off to visit many of his lumbermen friends.
A standardized carrier throughout, embodying a wonderful direct loadJift; exceptionally fast, simple and fool-proof, eliminating Pressure tanks, cables, screws' gears, pinions and clutches.