2 minute read
Ercerpts from a letter from Harry C. Westoaer, f ornoerly manager of thc Frank Musselman Lumber Comfany, Santa Ana.
"At this time we wish to express our appreciation to you for the help that we have gotten out of the California Lumber Merchant during the'past few years. When things did not go as we thought they should go we were always able to turn to the Lumber Merchant and there find an expression of optimism and encouragement which you have been so faithfully giving to the lumber industry.
"Personally, the writer has been a constant reader o{ the California Lumber Merchant, and although we are retiring from the lumber business we are expecting to. read your magazine for a good many years to come.'
For Stuggish Retait Circulation
If taken regularly guarantccd to build bettor prcfits.
Daily Dozen I8i"Hh'Y'P l.-Locatc one DGw prospect for a houae or barn or other mrjor requine-"ot "ni lqy plgn-a to develop the-eale' - A-Heic et llart one mutually helpful confercnce with build' ing contractore or mcchanicr.
&-Ma-ke at leart onc perronal call on e Prospect, ruggcrting hie urc and necd lor your matcrialc and attempting to clorc tha ralc.
4.-Writc at lcart one personal letter with the eame objcctivc.
5.--Makc an e:tra cfrort to cell the oldest stock in thc yard.
6.-Locate et leaet one new ure for your nrateriall and t:ke rtepr to develop butiners in that item' ll.-Say-or do rimeihiog favorable to, for, or about your compctitor.
7.-Plan a dirplay or an improYement of a dilplay,which will visualize lo the public a use for your materialr.
E.-Create and rtart in rnotion an adverticing or aaler ccherne which will bring ncw prosPects into your yard.
9.-Ovcrcome """h- t.-plation to cut a price to get bueinct3.
I0.-Perforn aome community eervice which will make you and your company bettcr known and liked.
I2.-Follow through and bring to a rucccrgful conclurion unGnirhcd burincr from yettcrday.
would you expect in such a house?
Who better than the president of three building material companies knows what oak fooring is best for his own house?
Henry Simons is president of the Henry SimonsLumber Company, the Simons Millwork Co., and the Simons Lumber Co. When he accepted the plansof D. C. Bennett, architect, for his $85,000 house, hesaw to it that "Perfection" Brand Oak Flooring was speqified.
He knew how perfectly "Perfection" is milled; howhonestly graded and carefully inspected.
Repeat thc dore ar often rs you have timc botwcen gunfiec ani runecg and wcigh the profite beforc and after trking.- - l(epeat dote aa otten ra nave trma DoEwGen tunnl€ ani rungct, weigh after trking.
To thc iwclvc piercriptionr in hir recommcndationr Ma Hood har rince added two otherc-"collect your oldcrt account and figurc out a ryttcn of coat rcduction "
Any incrc-c you get ir veluelcr unlcu you gct thc bulincr3 rt a profit.
Chas. G. Bird, Stockton Lumber Co., was a San Francisco visitor around the middle of the month; where he was calling on the trade and looking over lumber market conditions in the Bay District. He was boosting the contemplated Stockton Hoo Hoo Concatenation to be held at Calaveras Grove in May, which will be held in conjunction with the rnonthly meeting of the Central California Lgmbermen's Club, and wants a big delegation from the Bay District to attend.
In the l4 rooms, 4500 feet of l3/16x21/a in. face clear oak was used. Never was there a more beautiful foor. The texture and pattern made possible a finish that is seldomfound in any other fooring. Generations from now this same foor will still retain its original beauty. Yet this cost him no more than a number of other brands.
There's a size and grade of"Perfection" Brand Oak Flooring for every typeof structure, ne!\' or old. For full information $'rite today.