2 minute read

New Merchandising Scheme in Syracuse

A new note in merchandising lumber for home building has been sounded by the Wilson & Greene Lumber Co., o-f Syracuse, -ry. Y., in ihe inauguration of a complete program of advertising centered about Wilson & Greene'Lu-mber Co., "Check Seal Homes."

- Th_e basis of operation from the viewpoint of the Lumber Company is probably different from that followed by most concerris attempting to sell lumber through the sale or offer of home plans.

From start to finish the program is unique and is the product of two years of development, under the close per- sonal supervision of the creatof of the idea, Mr. Orvillj H. Greene, president of the Wilson & Greene Lumber Co.

"There has been so much groping around for a satisfactory _plan book proposition," Mi Gieen says, ,,that we decided to work out i new idea. The ,Check Seal Homes, scheme is the result-

"A beautiful plan has been developed, showing about seventy.house! -o! modest size and style, withflooi plans, descriptions which are accurate, and while they do nbt indulge in too much flowery stufi, the information is the kind that instills confidence in the minds of the people. In the past, plan books have dealt so much in gener-alities, they haven't even reached first base with the pu-blic.

"On our'Check Seal Homes' layout. fnis is what we do. Our advertising tells that it is possible to build a ,Check Seal llome,' if the prospect haj bought and paid for his building lot and has-a li[tle money lef-t besides for a down payment. He selects the house he wants from our olan book, agrees on specifications and signs a definite cont^ract at a price."

All details of construction are carried on under the direction of the Company, and when the house has been completed a bronze plate of the "Check Seal', is placed in the house, where it cari be seen when pointed to, ind serves as a mark of assurance that the house has been built of high class products and by honest builders.

The results may be more or less the same as ,,Certified Homes" and various other stunt names, but with our prop- osition we leave in the house something thatwill prorr" bt real worth when the owner decides tosell or.rrei ,,show g.tri' The_ 4evelopment of this plan by Mr. Greene establishes the Wilson & Greene Lumber Cb. as one of the outstanding merchandising lumber houses in the United States. The program foi the first year has been built on the basis of selling one hundred "Ctreck Seal Homes,', but it is probable that a much larger number will result from this campargn.

To avoid the great expense which rvould be incurred if the large plan book were to be sent to all responses to the coupons clipped from the advertisements, which carry key n-umpg1s, an inexpensive booklet has been prepared, entitled "Who Shall-Build My Home?', which ii sint frie to all inquirers. A questionnajre and other information sheets are enclosed, permitting the inquirer to answer certain questions for himself before going further into the project. This arrangement is designed 1o weed out all inquiries except those from potent and sincere prospects.


The.Whitson Lumber Company, Santa Ana, has bought the F,rank Musselman Lumbei Company at Santa Ana.Mr. Frank Musselman and Mr. Hirry C. Westover were the owners of this yard. Mr. Mussel,man intends devoting his time to his varied interests in California and in Sali Lake and Mr. Westover has announ,ced his intentions of entering the practice of law, specializing on Mechanics Liens.

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