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You Buy Service -not Lumber Merely
Back of good hardwood lumber there must be good policies, the exercise of careful selection, and an experienced, properly equipped personnel.
Strable Hardwood Company includes these in every order. Full co-operation is our established rule.
We try to serve well by serving carefully.
The Hipolito Company, manufacturers of Hipolito Screen Doors, guarantee all Hipolito Doors to be thoroughly satisfactory to the consurngl-1he ultimate user.
There are no strings to this. If the purchaser of each Hipolito Screen Door is not entirely satisfied with the door he get\, it will be cheerfully replaced by the dealer from whom purchasd, who will in turn be reimbursed by the Hipolito Company.
Special Features of tfre Hipolito
All Hipolito Screen Doors are made of selected California Sugar Pine famed for its nonshrinking, non-warping qualities. They are accurately fitted, carefully milled, madeby standard methods that assure the highest quality-the best workmanship.