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Huge Export Shipment

Whatis said to be the largest solid trainload of export timbers ever shipped from one mill in the Northwest was recently pulled inio Portland by the Southern Pacific Railroad frorir the C. H. Wheeler plant at Cochran. According to H. R. Peterson, sales 'manager, this train made up of 48 cars of tirrbers, ranging in size f.rom 12x12 to 24x24,24 to tl)

Position Open In San Joaquin Valltey

Progressive retail yard, in good small- town in San Joaquin Valtey, wants to secure services of a good- all round yard man.- Must be familiar with general retail work, be "ble to figure, assist bookkeeper, know something of sash and doorJ and hardware. We will offer a good chance to advance, and a steady position. Prefer married man. Salary, to start $150.00. Ideal living conditions. Address Box F-161. care California Lu,mber Merchant.


The Weaver Roof Company, Los Angeles, had a very interesting display booth at the recent "California Maid" Exposition, held in the Shrine Auditorium, Los Angeles, the week ol April 19-24.

Hundreds 6i different articles manufactured in the Golden State were on display at the Exposition that held the interest of thousands of people.

The Weaver exhibit came in for its share of praise, being attractively arranged and with descriptive literature for interested parties. A banner carrying the words "500 million feef of our roofing in use in Southern California and not a leak," was prominently displayed.

{eet long and contained 1,169,380 feet. One of the remarkable featurei was that in spite of the large footage, there were only 16O8 pieces, this giving a good idea of the average size of ihe stic-ks. The entire load was of a merchantable grade of old growth Yellow Fir for sfiipment to Yokohama. Japan, on the steamer Hakushika Maru.

Society Of Agricultural Engineers Hold Meeting In California

Featuring reclamation, farm structures, farm power and machinery, electricity in agriculture, and agricultural engineering research and extension, the American Society of Agricultiral Engineers will gather at Tahoe Tavern, Lake Tihoe, on June23 forits an-nual convention of 1926. This will be one of the most important engineering gatherings of the country during the present year and it will bring to California from all parts of the Union men interested in every ,phase of engineering as it is related to agriculture.


Mr. Russell Hawkins, President of the Whitney Company of Garibaldi, Oregon, spent afew days in Southern California, in April.

Mr. Hawkins visited with the Los Angeles offices of W. R. Chamberlin Company, their cargo representatives, and with Mr. A. O. Nelson, who represents the Whitney Company for rail shipments.

El Paso Dealer Says Ads Pay Direct Returns

So frequently you hear lumber dealers say that advertising in the local newspapers does not pay, butthat they favor other forms of advertising and publicity in which they have 'more coirfidence.

We asked The Lander Lumber Company, of El Paso, 'Iexas, the question: "What is your experience in trying to get direct returns from newspaper advertising?"

They replied-"our local newspaper advertising ALWAYS pays us direct returns, and we wouldn't do without it for anything, because it is a direct manufacturer of new business."

The Lander Lumber Company, of which Robert Lander is the guiding star, uses a very modest space, generally in the same location in their local daily. They use the same form all the time, being in the shape of a short letter which is headed in all sass5-"psar Madge"-and is always signed-"Mrs. Iona Home." These letters are always short and terse, and always about something "Mrs. Iona llome" has just bought or seen at The I,ander Lumber Company.

Recently one of these little ads told "Madge" that "Mrs. Iona Home" had spent a few dollars for wall board and fixed up her attic something wonderful. The next day Mr. Lander got an order {or $313 worth of wall board, check attached, directly from a man who read that ad and caught the idea.

The other day "Mrs. Iona Home" said to "X4adge" that she had just covered her kitchen floor with beautiful oak flooring and the flooring cost jnst $16.50. Within three days Mr. Lander had sold $140 worth of oak flooring just for kitchen floors.

Robert Lander says that they have ,manifold proof that the people read and are interested in those ads, and they never run a piece of copy that they do not get returns on it.

Which again proves, as we have seen it proven countless times before, that the man who says the retail lurnber business cannot be made to profit by intelligent print, just belittles himself and his business


An invitation comes from Arthur C. Hayward of the Homer T. Hayward Lumber Co. of Salinas, California, for the lu'mbermen to plan their vacation to be in Salinas during the dates of the California Rodeo, which is held there July 2l to 26. I\{r. Hayward says: "The 1926 Rodeo will be unique with many new features and is the only real wild west show on the west coast where one can see a real contest of cowboys and cow women riding vicious horses and maddened bulls. Mr. Hayward adds that Salinas is always cool in July and there are many other attractions near Salinas for the family desiring to get away from the hot weather.

The completion of their new grandstand, seating 10,m0 people. and a thousand new hotel rooms under construction br just completed in that locality, will make it possible to accommodate a much larger crowd than heretofore, according to Mr. Hayward.

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