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San Joaquin Hoo Hoo Observe Forest Week
Two hundred and twenty-five San Joaquin lumbermen and ladies gathered at the California Hotel on the night of April 24th, at the "Friends of the F'orest" A,merican Forest Week meeting.
The program was well presented under the direction of H. E. Verbel as Program Committee, and the meeting was a huge success.
Frank S. Minard, President of Hoo Hoo Club No. 31, opened the meeting with a fitting address of welcome, telling the gathering the purpose of American Forest Week and of the fitting meetings being held by lumbermen all over the country during the week.
As this affair was being given as a joint meeting with the San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club which had held a quarterly meeting the same afternoon, Mr. Minard introduced President Elmore King of Bakersfield, upon whose shoulders fell the duty of introducing the Toastmaster of the evening, Mr. George Cornwall oi Berkeley.
A splendid musical program was offered, including a Ladies' Choral, in several selections, some dancing ard other splendid talent.
The principal feature of the evening was a splendid address, illustrated with stereopticon slides, by Ptof. Woodbridge Metcalf, Extension Foreste,r of California.
The speaker is one of the best informed of the country's Forest Officials and he gave, in a delightful manner, a high- ly interesting and instructive talk on the nation's timber wealth, the preservation activities of the government and State, showed hundreds of beautiful views of California Forests in the virgin stands and second growths, and dwelt at length on the costly ravages of our forest fires and the preventative measures now being resorted to.
As before stated, the ,meeting was well attended and there was a gratifying amount of enthusiasm shown to well pay the hard working officers of Hoo Hoo who engineered the affair.
Working with Vicegerent Snark L. L. Walker and Club President Frank Minard, were Martin D. Johnson as a General Committee, E.L. Smith in charge of Publicity, R. O. Cheatham as Finance Advisor, H. E. Verbel on the Program Committee and Dean Cook in charge of Hotel Arrangements.