1 minute read
Keep That Boy In You Alive
By Jack Dionne
Keep that boy in you alive.
THAT'S your big job. THAT'S the foundation of all your jobs.
DON'T leave it to chance. DON'T take it for grranted he will always be alive, everr if you neglect him.
You have got to make him yo'r.rr PRINCIPAL BUSINESS.
Keep that boy-with his animation, his enthusiasm, his optimism; with his sweet temper and his cheerful grin and his love of fun;-I say KEEP HIM ALIVE.
For, if he ever dies, you're D-E-A-D dead, and don't you doubt it. They may postpone the burial for a while, but when he goes, all that's best in you-all that's worth while in you-is GONE.
Youth isn't a matter of years-it's a STATE OF MIND.
It's not a matte,r of ripe cheeks and supple knees-it's a freshness frorn the deep springs o{ life.
Worry, doubt, self-distrust, fear, despair, these are the things that kill that boy in you.
Friendliness, tolerance, fellowship, interest in others, a determination to be joyful regardless of immediate affairs and events-THESE are the things that keep him alive.
Keep your chin up-your grin working-your smile ready-your kindest words well exercised.
THAT will keep him alive.
Make this boy part of your daily program of THINKING.
Study how you may keep him UP and GRINNING. HE-this boy inside of you-HE'LL keep you young. When you forget HIM-you grow old.
You keep HIM alive, and HE'LL keep yo,u alive; he'll keep you youthful, and useful, and loveable-regardless of the year count.
Semake it your every day business, your never-ending and del,iberate effont-to KEEP THAT BOY IN YOU ALIVE!
(This is the text of a short talk the writer has been making for years. Many requests for its publication have been received. Here 'tis.)