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New Firm Succeeds Minton Big Concat to be Held ^t Company at Palo Alto
The Minton Company, Mountain View, Calif., announces that it tis selling its lumber, mill, building material and plumbing business to the Builders' Service Company, a new corporation just formed. Earl D. Minton, president and manager of the Minton Company, will go into the construction business exclusively and will move his offices and headquarters to Palo Alto with a branch office in San fose.
Alfied Olson, J. E. Carter, J. L. McPheeters and August Landen, formerly directors of the Minton Company, have resigned and rvill be directors in the new concern, the Builders' Service Company. H.A. Hoyt and William Schwartz 'ivill join the I\Iinton Constrnction Company in Palo Alto.
M. E. Joslin, who has been connectecl rvitl-r the Woodhead Lumber Company in Los Angeles, has been elected manager of the Builders' Service Company.
T.r Livermore June 8
Bert E. Bryan, Vicegerent Snark of the Golden Gattj District, announces that a Concatenation rvill be held at Livermore on the evening of Jrrne 8, rr'hicl-r rvill be the biggest FIoo Hoo gathering of the 1-ear. Promises of support for this Concat have l>een receivecl from Geo. W. Robinson, Vicegerent Snark of Stockton District, and Fred Boes, Vicegerent Snark of l\{onterey District. Attendance is expected to be large from these districts, and from San Francisco, East Bay, San Jose and Peninsula.
Mr. l3ryan says that the Concat .lvill have an unusual setting. Proceedings will start rvith a dinner, followed bv 1-righ ciass entertainment, ancl a number of nelv and diffeient ideas will be featured at the concat itself. The Nine rvill be made upof representatir-es from the several clistricts.