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Now nationally advertised ! Real Lumber-

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4-ft. wide and 8-ft. long, that will not shrinlt or split or swell

Douglae Fir Plywood advertieing ia under way! Fullpage ads are appearing in a big liet of the nation'g f orernoet consumer and builder publicatione, telling the amazing Btory of lumber unwound from treee. Theee ade will keep right on appearing month after month throughout l93landl932-a tremendoueo suetained ealee campaign direcfed alyour customere to help you buildup new profitable plywoodvolume.

A Lumber You're Proud to Sell

Douglae Fir Plywood is an inexpensive building material good for hundrede of usea.

It has all the good qualities of lumber-becauee it ir lumber and not a pulp or compoeition board. It has all the eize, Iighr-weight and labor-eaving advantages of wallboail. Yet it ttructurally atronger than any other lutnbet or pallboard. And it wontt split, craek, or eplinter. ft won't twist, shrink, or swell. It is easy to saw and drill. It is light in weight. It comes in standard sizee. ft holds nailg and screws close to the edge. ft can be atained, waxedo paintedo enameled, or laequered, and it can eerr'e aa a base for plaater or plastic paint.

Get Your Share of This New Business

'W'hy not cbecl. up now to see that your plywood stock ie corrplete? Remember, the lnoet popular thiekness ie three. e-ighthr inch, but you can get tliese big panels aa rhin ae threeeixteenths or se thick as a plank, io suit the needs of any job.

Send in the coupon for money-making euggestions shown in the Douglas Fir Plywood Construction Bullitin.

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