1 minute read
Then turned on a giant lathe and peeled off into endless lengths of thin wood sheets.
These sheets of wood are cut to size, laid eross-grain, and glued together flat with water-resistant glue under hydraulic presswre. (Arrout show direction ol gruin.)
The regult is a new and better lumber having all the good qualitieo of nstural wood plua the eize and conveniente of wallboard[q1 with advantagee of strength, etiffneae, and freedom-from. splitting which neither lumber nor wallboard has.
Douglas Fir Plywood Manufacturers, Dept. 531-F, Sixth Floor, Skinner Building, Seattle, Wash.
Gentlemen: Please send me a copy of the Douglas Fir Plywood Construction Bulletin, free.
First introduced 4 years ago
-now largest seller on market
Largest seller, fastest seller, because b c I t. Guaianteed 9XJy'o or more red heartwood with lWy'o oil content. And packed in metal-bound cartons for good measure.
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Be Kind To Animals
"Be Kind to Dumb Animals Week," is an annual nightmare to me, it is so.
"Be kind to animals," they said, And so I left the city, And in the country sought for brutes To love, caress, and pity.
I salv a cor,v with gentle eyes Surrounded by a fence, I went to her and whispered "soh," At which she took offense.
She called her husband from the field, He chased me up a tree, And kept me there for two long hours In mortal agony.
At length he turned his head aside, I tried to sneak arvav, Whereat a dog and two mean goats Got mixed up in the fray.
A hen rvith chickens showed her wrath, A cat meyowled and scratched, Two gobblers and a hissing goose Most bitter language matched.
A snake coiled up and hissed at me, A donkey kicked and brayed- I can't be kind to animals When I am sore afraid.
So in my peaceful home that night I made this promise true: When next I'm kind to animals, I'11 meet them at the zoo.
Adeline M. Conner.