1 minute read
[Jnion Lumber Comparry's
V "Old Man Depression" was half-mile-long train of 50 cars, Monday, April 20.
The "funeral train," which unlike other trains of its kind was a harbinger of good times, was made up at the Fort Bragg plant of the Union Lumber Co.
Each of the cars of lum,ber represented orders by dealers in the various communities of Mendocino, Sonoma, Napa and Marin counties-orders made necessary because of the tremendous revival of the building industry in these counties.
The '1corpse".was securely nailed down in a redwood cofiin, mounted in the center'of the train. He was unceremoniously dumped into the chilly waters of San Francisco bay when the train completed its run at the bay termintts of the Northwestern Pacific railroad at Sausalito.
Officials of the Union Lumber Co. started the "Prosperity Special," as the train was called, from Fort Bragg, over