3 minute read
Tripletabs New Pioneer E. L. Cooper Back on Old Product Territory Again
The Pioneer Paper Company states that in response to- a wide spread demand on the pirt of home-owners throughout the West, they are announcing their newest shingle, T'ripletabs.
Describing this new product, officials of the company, say: "Tripletabs are an entirely new departure from t-he accepted rhtp"rof roofing shingles, biing madewith obliquely notched tabs, of a distinctly modern and retreshing tharacter. Tripletabs efiectively express the _current note in design, that of modernism. and will harmonize well with any type of home. A distinct advantage.of the new shingle is that they may be applied in several different roof designs, thus enabling the lumber dealer to offer his customer a variety of choice. Perhaps the most important feature of the new shingle is that it is surfaced in the new Forestry Blend colors that have won such immediate acceptanc-e on the part of Western lumber dealers. The colors are Forestry Blend Red, Forestry Blend Blue, Forestry Blend Green, and Forestry Blend Black."
E. L. Cooper, Los Angeles, sales representative of the Union Lumber Company, is back on his old territory again calling on the San Diego and Imperial Valley dealers. For the past several months, Carlton M. Adams, who recently died, represented the company in this territory. Mr. Cooper called on the San Diego and Imperial Valley trade for several years, prior to Mr. Adams taking over the territory, and is well known to the retail lumber trade in the southern part of the state.
Charles'W. Faulkner
Charles W. Faulkner, well known Southern California lumberman and manager of the Faulkner-Meyer Lumber Co., Pasadena, was killed in an automobile accident early Wednesday morning, April 22, near Exeter, Calif. He was 49 yearc of age.
response to the new shing of its kind. thev contemo
The Pioneer Paper Company reporf5 2 sDonse new shingle and since it it is the only design highly gratifying of its kind, they contemplate a wide and immediate sale. Tripletabs are an excl,usive product for the lumber dealer.
Change Of Office
H. Bruce Wiscomb, Los Angeles, California representative of the Harbor Plywood Corporation, announces the removal of their Los Angeles office from 203 to 1014 Ar,chitects' B,uilding. The telephone number remains the sameMUtual4756.
Mr. Faulkner was born'in Chillicothe, Ohio. He came to Southern California in 1906 locating in Pasadena. He was associated with the Kerckhofi-Cuzner Mill & Lumber Co. for many years and managed their yard at Lamanda,- Calif., for seventeen years. With Mr. Edward Meyer, they formed the Faulkner-Meyer Lumber Co. several years ago.
Funeral services were held on Saturday afternoon, April 25. He is survived by his lvife, Alice Faulkner, and one daughter, Marguerite Faulkner.
N. H. Huey, Phoenix, Arizona, spent a few days in.Los Angeles during the latter part of April, calling on his lumber connections and lumbermen friends.
Get behind PLYLOCK Vall Bmrd for your custom€rg' satisfaction and your profit. Unequalled quality.
rl-inch Uniform Thickriegr-3 Ply, Sandcd 2 Sldcr
SIZES: Widtha, 32 aad ,16 lnchec-Lengthr, 5, 6, ? ard 6 l€ct
Booth-Kelly Douglas Fir, the Association grade and trade mark certify to your customers the quality of the stock you handle. Builders quit guessing about what they're buying, and buy where they know what they're getting. Generd
Hoo Hoo Club No. 39
Hoo Hoo Club I.Io. 39 held its regular dinner meeting at the Athens Athletic Club, Oakland, on Monday evening, April 13.
President Ray Cox presided, and opened the meeting by introducing Al Kendal, whose Hoo Hoo number is 4144 and who has been a member of the order for 40 years. Outof-torvn guests introdu,ced by Mr. Cox included Chas. G. Bird, president, and T. L. Gardner, se'cretary, of the Central California Lumbermen's Club, Stockton.
Chas. G. Bird, chairman of the Parson Simpkin Sequoia Memorial Committee described the exact location of the Calaveras Grove, which is just 75 miles east of Stockton, and which the subscriptions being asked from lumbermen will help to purchase for a State Park. Mr. Bird said the sum of $500 was subscribed to the fund before the circular recently mailed to lumbermen was off the press.
Frank W. Trower paid a high tribute to the work of Parson Simpkin in behalf of the lumber industry during the nine years he was Supreme Chaplain and field officer of Hoo Hoo. The value of this work in helping to change for the better the public attitude towards the lumber business is incalculable, he said.
The principal speaker of the evening was Markell Baer, attorney for the Port Commission, Port of Oakland, whose talk on Oakland's port was both interesting and instructive. The talk was illustrated by motion pictures taken from the air.
Andrew McNair, of the McKinnon-McNair Lumber Co., St. Helena, spent a few days in San Francisco last week.