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R e d w o o d Co r e b o a r d ANew and Versatile Product

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Redwood Coreboard, manufactured from kiln dried stock' through its unusual strengh and adaptability is a product for multiple uses.

Redwood Coreboard can be handled as ordinary finish lumber and can be used for years witfiout any danger of breaking.

Redwood Coreboard will not break, crack or chip. The corners will remain intact and the board unmarred during the process of construction. It is economical as there is a minimum of waste.

Redwood Coreboard will not buckle, sag, shrink or warpl an ideal product for papering, kalsominingr painting or for any simil,ar decoration. The soft neutral colot of its surface proves harmonious for any interior.

Redwood Coteboard is a low priced and highly satisfactoty board to use on the walls of a house-particularly an attic room, garage, beach or mountain pabin for shelving, boxing, drawer bottoms, pictute backing, map mounting, partitiotrs, signs and displays, poultry houses, play houses and folding screeilr.

Redwood Coreboard is manufactured in smooth broad panels 5-16 in. thick, 48 in. widg and in lengths of 3, 4; 5, 6, 71 8, 9, 10, and 12 feet. Hammondts maintain a latge sto& of this product in standard sizes. Sperial widths or lengtfis can be manufactured prompdy.

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