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California Club Meets at Stockton

President Charles G. Bird presided at the regular month- Iy meeting of the Central ealifornia Lumbermen's Club held at Hotel Clark, Stockton, Saturday noon. April 11.

The principal speakers of the day rveie Merle D. Bishop, secretary-manager of the Coast Counties Lumbermen's Club, Watsonville, and D. C. Essley, manag.er of the California Retail Lumbermen's Associjtion. Mr. Bishop told members about the progress of his organization, anh Mr. Essley outlined the lctivities of the S=tate Association in Northern California.

Following these talks there was a general discussion which rnost of the members took pait, on the subject group associations.

in of President Bird, executive chairman of the committee handling the Parson Simpkin Sequoia Memorial, reported on what has been accomplished ln this matter sinie the last meeting of the club, when the idea of naming one of the big trees in the Calaveras Grove *". ruggJsted by Secretary Tom Gardner. After dis,cussion, commiltees wert appointed for the San Joaquin Valley and lower Sa,cramento Valley, who will follor,v up the appeal which has already been made by letter to all Californii lumbermen, for fundi for this memorial.

Weyerhaeuser Opens District Sales Office in San Francisco

. Thg Weyerhaeuser Sales Company announces the open- ing of a district sales ofifice in San Francisco with Robert H. Hunt in charge. Mr. Hunt, rvho will act as district sales manager of the California territory, has been sales manager^at the Everett (Wash.) mills of ihe Weyerhaeuser Timber Company for many years, and as these mills have been shipping lumber into the California market for vears, he is very familiar with the California trade. Tohn R. titcomb, who has been connected with the Weverhaeuser organization for a long period, will succeed Mi. Hunt as sales manager at Everett.


_ Sherman A. Bishop, of the sales department of the Union Lumber Company, San Francisco, was married to Miss Kathleen Lee Rutledge, of Louisiana,' at San Francisco, on April 23. Mr. and Mrs. Bishop left after the wedding on a two weeks' honeymoon on which they rvill tour thi Pacifi'c Northwest by automobile.

DXPBBT ADYICB .. aalunbl,e lumber sal,es hclps rnED on requ,est

TTIHE Natlonal Lumber Maoufacturers Asa@latlon 19 at thesenle I of every lumtErmal. Whatevef you may requl.Hsslstance In the prelnratlo[ or revlalon of a loc&l buildt[g @de{dylce o! large prcJeta{ttractlve aales promotlo[ booklets at half co6tworkllg plaia end @astructloo detalk on aoythtng mode of w@d -mata for local lewspqtrcr adverdslnE or help lo @nductlng a bulldera' sch@|, wrlte to the Asrelatlon.

Every lumber dtstrtbutor should be on our malllog tl8t for "Lumbe. Facto," a motrthly folder ontslahg lumber sale tplDts. Take adyaotaEe of these fr@ senlces now. W.lte todry.


Dept. l33l Traneportstlon Bulldl.6 WrshtDgton, D, C.

SINCE 1-9-1-2


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