3 minute read
National Lumber Manufacturers Association Meeting
(Continued from Page 12) and they have two children. Mr. Dixon is a trustee of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association and was presid.ent of that association for two years. He is also trustee of the Loyal Legion of Loggers and has been for many years a director of the N. L. M. A. He is noted for his active and successful work locally, regionally and nationally for the lumber industry. For some years he was a trustee of the University of Oregon and is an active and enthusiastic member of Hoo Hoo and Rotarv.
At the open meeting Thursday morning, April 24, Walter F..Shaw, manager of the Trade Extension Department of the N. L. M. A., made an address in which he reviewed the progress of the trade extension work in a manner that moved the meeting to enthusiastic applause. Mr. Shaw referred repeatedly to the graphic report of trade extension work which was in the hands of his auditors as he spoke, a report that received much commendation. Other speakers were C. Stowell Smith, statistician of the National, who explained the Association marketing servi'ce and Theo. M. Knappen, director of publicity who talked on the functions of publicity and the work and the requirements of the association's publicity department. Harry T. Kendall, ,chairman of the trade practices committee, in presenting his report made a stirring appeal for better co-operation with the lumber distributors. A. C. Dixon,'chairman of the pub- licity committee, reviewed the success of the lumber and lumber products exhibitions at Eugene, Oregon, and recommended that traveling exhibitions be made a part of the future publicity program, when funds permit. Mr. Dixon took the view that the publicity of actual contact with objects is superior to that of the printed page and pictures.
Speaking for Carl Hamilton, chairman of the advertising sub-committee, Paul Kendall explained the necessity of a curtailed program for 1930, because of redu'ced revenues, but with a view to a big splash in 1931.
The attendance at the general meetings, at directors and 'committee meetings was full, and members were more zealous than at any other recent gathering. The business depression is acting as a stimulus to the lumber industry, apparently.
The general impression created by lumber promotion will go with greater the meetings is that speed and effi,ciency than ever.
^ President, A. C. Dixon, Booth Kelly Lumber Company, Eugene, Oregon; Vice President, .E. d. Frosi, Frost Lumbir iirOuslries, -Shrevep-ort,.La.; Vice President and Treasurer, W. M. Ritter, W. M, S!!t.er L_um_ber Company, Columbus, Ohio; Vice president, R. B. Wtit., Exch_aLge Sawmills Sales Co., Kansas City, Mo.; Secretary & Manager, Wilson Compton, Washington, D. C, -' Catifornia Redwood A...?;tTtrTi. R. Adams and W. R. Mclyl_il!1n; California White & Sugar'Pine Mfrs. Association, A. D. Walker and H. D. Mortenson; Hardwood Manufacturers Institute, J. W. .Bailey, C. Arthur Bruce and W. E. Delaney; North Carolina Pin_e_Assn., J. Ross McNeal and G. J, Cherry; Northern Hemlock & Hardwood Assn., R. B. Goodman and W. A, Holt: Northern Pine Manufacturers Assn., H. C. Hornby and S. L. Coy; Southern Cypress Manufacturers Assn., G. V. Patierson and C. Fi..'Macpherson; Southern Pine Assn., A. J. Peavy, O. O. Axley, R. B. White, \{. L. Fleishel, W. T. Murray, Chas. Green and C. C. Sheppard; Wes[ Coast Lumbermen's Assn., A. C. Dixon, W. B. Nettieton. C. D. Johnson, J. D. Tennant, M. C. Woodard, R. H. Burnside and F. R. Titcomb; Wgstern Pine Mfrs..Assn., W. S. Rosenberry, J. p. Hennessyirnd W.'C. Geddes; Western Forestry & Conservition Assn., E. T. Allen.
Directors at Large
_ R_E. Danaher, J. W. Blodgett, E. L. Carpenter, G. W. Dulany, JI,, E. A. Frost, E C. Glenn, E. G. Griggs, I-I. B. Hewes, Edwaid 4i!9., J, M. Hotchkiss, J. L. Kaul, C. S. Keith, J. H. Kirby, B. W. Lakin, W. Leuthold, R. A. Long, J. A. Mathieu, J. D. Mylria, F. W. Reimers, W. M. Ritter, M. W. Stark, A. Trieschmann, W. J. Walker, J. W. Watzek, Jr., F. E. Weyerhaeuser, Frank G. Wisner and T. J. Wright.
Executive Comrnittec of the Board of Directors
A. C. Dixon, E. A. Frost, W. M. Ritter, R. B. White, John W. Blodgett, C. R. Bruce, E. L. Carpenter, E. G. Griggs, Edward Hines, H. B. Hewes, John H. Kir,by, John L. Kaul, B. W. Lakin, Wm. Leuthold, R. A. Long, C. C. Sheppard, John D. Tennant, John W. Watzek, Jr., F. E. Weyerhaeuser and F. G. Wisner. Chairmen and Vice Chairmen of the Standing Conrmittees
Natl. Lbr. Trade Ext. Com. ...R. Trade Promotion ..,........J. Publicity .....M. Statistics & Accounting .......C. Economic Research O. Foreign Markets .......E. Advisory Tax .. .......F. Forestry & Conservation ......A. W. Utilization & Waste Prevention IL C. Standardization .....W. T. Trade Practices ... .....H.T. Credit Corporation .,..8. H.
B. White
P. Hennessy
W. Stark S. Keith
O. Axley
G. Griggs
G. Wisner
A. Trieschmann
W. S. Rosenberry
S. L. Coy
C. W. Nelson
Laird A. C. Goodvear
MortensonDe Vere Dierks
Murray R. H. Burnside
Kendall P. J. McHugh
Burgess J. H. Eddv
Officers and Directors of of Committees were elected and Chairmen T1 __ r-rr, _ 'he selection of Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Transpor- as rollows: tation Committee is to be filled later by the Executive Commiitee.