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Noyo Redwood Construction Grades can be made to work magic with the help of a little extra advance planning. By carefully analyzing the requirements of each job, you can save substantially on lumber costs and still getthe proven superior durability and appearance of CRA Redwood.
At the Union Lumber Company, Commons are manufactured with the same quality controls that have made Noyo Uppers so dependable. So don't hesitate to use Commons; just select them wisely based on the end-use'you have in mind. Noyo Commons are milled in the following construction grades:
1. SELECT IIEART: All heartwood for most exacting gervice where strength and high durabiliff are required. Excellent for retaining walls, posts, curbing, framing, roofing, decking, shop work and qualiff garden structures.
2. CONSTRUCTION HEART : A decay-resistant heartwood grade for all purpose home, farm, garden, shop and industrial uses where Select ig unwarranted. Fine for fire walls, fencing, framing, etc.
3. SAP COMMON: A very servlceable and economical grade which will give excellent performance in sheathing, sub-flooring and similar types of construction.
4. MERCHANTABLE: Both heart and sap pieces are included, as are larger knots and face defects. Well suited for recutting. A money-saver for fencing, sub-flooring, sheathing, and a number of industrial, farm, home and garden uses.
Take advantage of the uncommoz profits in Noyo Redwood Commons. For the latest prices and availabilities contact your Union Lumber Company source today. Or write for further information.
Auuoutrcement was macle last month by Bill Brauning, president of the Associated Redwood Mills. Arcata. California, that the Los Angeles area distribution yard has been moved to 7257 Telegraph Road, Los Angeles 22, located in the Nlorrtebello industrial district.

The expanded facility includes a five acre storage yard, under cover storag'e sheds and customer milling. Its location assures fast pick-up and delivery to all Southern California cities and cornmunities, it was said. An inventory in excess of a million feet of choice redwood r,l'ill be maintained at all times for fast, efficient service to retail clealers and industrial users.
Bill Brauning, chief executive of the remanufacturing and distribution concern maintains head ctuarters at the Arcata plant in order tb expedite pro-