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BAY DOORS With Microline Core
Success of the various Volkswagen trucks is due to basic design *hi;h p".t t op to 1,830 pounds of payload in'to 170 cubic feet of space mounted^on a highly-maneuverable chassis' Despite a capacity irearl' double that oi siand,ard half-ton trucks, the pace-sstting V-olki-ag.tts are only nine inches longer than Volkswagen's worldfamed sedans.
Other features include a high 9.4-inch road clearance which enables the vehicles to move eisily across extremely rough terrain, r."", .t gin.s which provide superior traction under all rtypes of driving ."riaiti"ns and excellen,t visibility from up-front positions over thi wheels. Loads are ca.rried smoothly and safely between the axles on independently-sprung wheels.
iie z,?5,z'pou.td ptnel delivery trucks have virtually dus'tproof' u"itir"a'fodii. sttengthened and rat'tle-proofed by some l3'000 spot welds.
Volkswcaen's double-cob pickup lruck corries fivesrill ofierc o 30 squore-foof lood oreo rcled for necrly
;",ii,i.-1$J1: '1-i.. , -.,; persons comforroblY ond 1,0fl)-pound poyloods.
Operating costs are as little as 1.45 cents per mile for gasoline, oil and lubricatio,n, according 'to ac'tual user reports. Mileage per gallon averages about 25 with some owners reporting 28 or more' Powered by Volkswagen's four-cylinder, air-cooled magnes'iurn engines, the trucks are Capable of 60-'mile-an-hour cruising speeds' Ali forward gears are synchromesh for smooth and easy shif'ting' Fully-loaded, Volkswagen trucks can climb 26/o grades'
A{1 1962 Volkswage'n trucks are equipped with gasoline qaug€s, also one of this yeai's improvemenrts in the sedans. Other changes include adjustable front seats which slide easily on sp.ecial tracks .tti t.'t.."i newly-designed parts requiri'ng no lubrication-tie rod jo,ints, clutch and-b'rake pedal bearings and both the han'd brake and clu,tch cable tubes.
The Kombi model is des'igned for use bo'th as panel truck and eight-passenger station wagon. Rear seats may be removed'
Both the single and double-cab pickups may be equipped