2 minute read
A Medford Gorporation Representative
1928 Sandszeek Wcry
Redwood Promotion Aids
Telephone: LAkehurst 2-2754
The California Redwood Association is making a special effort this year to shorv dealers how to take advantage of CRA's promotion efforts. Their most important pitch is an offer of free quantities of two new envelope stuffers, or silent salesmen.
A new leaflet, REDWOOD PROMOTION AIDS, tells how a
REDWOOD PROI OTION AIDS-The Colifornio Redwood Asrociotion, in on effolt to bring its prornotion down lo the gross roots by osking deolers to tie in, hos produced o nlw leqflet, REDWOOD PROII^OTION AlD5. outlining six moior ccmfoigns for lhe coming yeor. The leqflet describes how o deoler con qssocicte himself profifqbly wirh CRA odvertising ond publicity-how he con rnoke CRA odve*ising sell redwood from his yord. This yeor, CRA is giving qwdy c thousond copies of o new envelope stufier free lo deolers ordering 200 copies of the naw booklets, REDWOOD DECKS ond REDWOOD AT POOISIDE. Wrile the Cofifornio Redwood Associotion. DePsrlmenf P-15, 576 Sscromenfo Stre€t, Scn Frqncisco II, Coliforniq for your free copy of REDWOOD PROIIiOTION AIDS.
P.O. Box 240 dealer can make CRA advertising sell redwood from his yard. The free envelope stuffers for ins,tance, are illustrated with the same picture CRA is using in its advertising and publicity. Any dealer can get a thousand of these traffic builders by buying 200 copies of either of the Association's new booklets-REDWOOD DECKS or REDWOOD AT POOLSIDE.
Besides the free stuffers, CRA is also offering free ad mats, advertising slides, radio spot copy, and point of purchase display materials. All these materials are described in REDTfrTOOD PROMOTION AIDS, available free from the California Redwood Association, Dept. P-16, 576 Sacranrento Street, San Francisco, California, or through one of tthe member mills: Arcata Redwood Company, Georgia-Pacific Corporation, The Pacific Lumber Company, Union Lumber Company, Simpson Timber Co., and Willits Redwood Products Company.
The leaflet outlines the CRA's six major promotions for the currerlt year and tells how literature, advertising, and publicity will support these promotions, and hou' a dealer can tie in.
Other new booklets produced by the CRA's prize winning literature division are a new edition of REDWOOD HOMES, REDWOOD INTERIOR FINISHES, and REDWOOD EXTERIOR FINISHES.
REDWOOD PROMOTION AIDS tells how a dealer reaps the benefits of CRA advertising in leading shelter n.ragazines by idcntifying himself as a source of California Redwood Association lumber. It also describes how the retailer can make use of CRA publicity. l'he CRA placed enough feature releases on redwood in newspapers during January and February of this year to print a 14-page newspaper e:rch month just with publicity material supplied by CRA.
New Bookler Aids Church Commillees
A new guidebook, "Selectring and Working with your Church Architeot," has been published by Weyerhaeuser Company Rilco engineered wood products division as a service to the building industry and church building commit'tees. Written by Architect Robert L. Durham, F.A.I.A., of Seattle, Wash., member of the Church Arch,iteotural Guild of America, its purpose ris 'to ass,is,t lay building committees of all denominations in enjoyable fulfillment of church building programs. The brochure is free to persons serving on church committees. Write to: Weyerhaeuser Company, Box B 145. Tacoma. Wash.