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Lctest lmprovements Bring to | 78 Totol VW Truck Chonges Since l95O
A number of improvern=ents-among them enlarged tail lights and front turn signals which can blink simultaneously as emergernc-y flasher systeris-are incorporated in Volkswagen's full line of 1962 trucks now in authorized dealer showrooms.
Changes in the 1962 models bring t'o 178 the number of improvemen,t's b"uilt into Volkswagen trucks over the last dozen years without al,tering the vehicle's external shape or functional design' The company's pol.icy of retaining original styling permits improvements without corresponding price increases.
Models in the Volkswagen line include economical panel delivery trucks, dual-purpose fombi station wagons and both single and double-cab pickups. lVlore than 125,000 Volkswagen trucks -now are in daily use ln the U.S., serving members of virtually every industry' Operating econornies of Volkswagen trucks permit their owners to use them for small d'eliveries-at a profit.