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4940 District Boulevord OF tOS ANGETES a Los Angeles 58, Colifornio
Big Beom Pole Flore Colled Giont Step
Forryord ln Rood ond Highwcy Sqfety
Truckers, lumbermen, linemen, co,ntractors, farmers, sportsmen, and many others face the problem of hauling various cargo which sticks out well bey.ond the end of their truck or traile'r.
Recognizing ,the serious highway hazards which these long poles, beanrs, timbers and other lengthy materials can create, U-C-Lite has developed the specially-designed Model Number ll8PF Big Beam Pole Flare. Quickly and firmly attached to the cargo ,tip with its own steel cleate,d baseplate and chain, the Big Bea.m Pole Flare produces a flashing day-or-night warning to all approaching drivers.
Cornpact, rugged and economical, the Big tseam Pole Flare meets a pressing need for safety in special cargo hauling and also provictres added safety, day or night, for any highway emergency situation! Power is provided by one standard 6-volt bat,tery, obtained anywhere. Battery case is 20-gauge steel, rustproof and wea.therproof, w,ith hinged cover and snap catch, finished in red enamel. The flashing bulb is covered with a red fresnel lens of durable molded plastic. Weight of the unit with battery is 3 lbs.
A product of U-C-Lite Manufaoturing Co., the Big Beam Model Nunrber ll8PF Pole Flare is finest quality Aurericanmade to the highest standards. For complete inforrnation, write to U-C-Lite Mfg. Co., 1050 West Hubbard S,treet, Chicago 22, Illinois.
Weyerhoeuser Announces lmproved Filled Timblend For Smooih Pointed Surfqces
An improved filled flakeboard that can bc finished super-smooth wi,th all conventional coating n.raterials including paint, enamel, lacquer, or clear finish is atrnounced by Weyerhaeuser Company.
Known as fille'd Timblend, the flake-typc irarticleboard features a new trallslucent filler material that also seals the surface for exceptional paint holdourt and sttrface smoothness. For many end-uses, only one finish coat is rree cled.
Builcl.ing uses {o'r improved filled Timblend include kitchen cabinets, wardlobe doors, wainscoting, bi-fold dools, wall paneling, partitions, screens, and many o'ther purpo,ses where a smooth painted surface is desired. Produced in all srtandard sizes up to 54" x
Smooth pointed surfqces even wilh one-cool coveroge, dro eosily ochieved with brush, spray or roller on new lilled fimblend. An irnproved filler-seoler is fqctory-opplied to the surfoce of the Weyerhoeuser Conrpony filled eoke-type porticleboord. Ponels ore sanded to close toleronces (before being filled) ro sssure fine finislres wirh enomel, locquer or cleor coolings.
192" and in th,icknesses ol s/s" to 1/g", T|'JIblend is available both filled-one-side (F-l-S) and fille.d-two-sides (F-2-S). Other products in tl-re Timblend flake panel line include standard panels for core stock, harclwoocl veneered panels for cabine't doors and ends, panels bo,nded with waterproof pheonolic :rdhesive, arrd fireretardant treated panels. For complete Timblend iuformatiou, write \\ieyerhaenser Company, Box B 101, Tacorrra. Waslr.