4 minute read
As Reported in The California Lumber Merchant, May 15, 1937
Ross Kinney, who has been 12 years with the Zenith Mill & Lumber Compann Oakland, will travel ,the Peninsula 'territory and the coast counties as far south as San Luis Obispo for Hobbs Wall & Co., San Francisco, starting May 15.
Jim Farley, assistant Wes'tern sales manager, The Pacific Lumber Company, is back from attending .the 22nd, anntal'co,nvention of the Arizona Retail Lumber & Builders Supply Association, held at the Adams Hotel, Phoenix, May 7 and 9.
Howard Abbott, of the sales deparrtmenrt of Union Lumber Company, San Francisco, was back at his desk April 29 from a three weeks' business trip .to New York, Chicago, M'inneapolis and D.enver. He speeded up his trip a little by flying from New York to Chicago, which is now on a four hour schedule.
W. F. Baird, general sales m,anager of the Michigan-Californ'ia Lumber Company, left May 9 on one of his regular tr'ips to the East, calling on s'ales connections. On reachi,ng New York he plans to extend hris tr p by a visit to British Isles and France, sailing from New York on the "Queen M,ary."
Monarch Lumber Co. with headquarters at Great Falls, Mont. tras purch,ased the Stephenson Lumber Co. at But,te.
William Wallace Mein, president of Calaveras Cement Company has sailed for England for the puripose of making a three months' study of current practices.and new developments in the European cement industry.
Al Raubemheimer has been appo,inted wholesale representative 'for the San Pedro Lu,mber Co. in Arizona. H'is headquarters will be at Phoenix.
Paul L. Matthies has joined the sales stafi of T. M. "Ty" Cobb, Los Angeles, wh,olesale distribu,tor of sash, doors, frames, California pine lu;mber and mouldi,ngs. He will cover the Los .dngeles and San Fernando Valley te,rritory.
Fred Dollahite has been appointed manager of the Whiting-Mead Company store at Eas't San Diego. F,or a number of years he was manager of their store a.t Oceanside. Vincent Lewis succeeds Mr. Dollahite as manager of their Oceans,ide s ore. Mr. Lewis has been connected wi,th the Oceanside store for the past nine years.
George Clough has been appoin'ted director of sales for the San Pcdro Lumber Company in Southern California. Mr. Clough has been wirth the company for the past sixte,en years. From 1927 to 1936, he was manager of their branch at Westminister, and for ,the past year was manager of the Compton yard.
Harry S. Thomso,n, well known San Francisco retail lumberman and Mrs. Thomson left San Francisco April 25 for Montreal to sail on the Canadian Pacific line Duch'ess of ,dthol on a seven weeks' European trip. They will arnive in England in time for the Coronation and will spend some time at the Paris Exposition as well as touning in England and on the Con,t.inent.
C. M. Martin, who op,erates the Farmer's Co-op, a farm supply business at Phoenix, Ariz. has started a retail lumber v'ard.
Thoughr For Todoy
Conducting business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. YOU know you're doing it, but nobody else does.
soves ftltE,.. toves W0RK,..sdves lt0llEY !
Biqsest Sales Potential in Years! Solana's new SSS Cedar Paneling is-"iatin-imoottr machine pre'finished in depth to cut finishing tosii up to 8O%! Actually'reduces the 5 finishing steps formerly iequired to one single finish coat! Luxury wood pqneling at huge savines to help youi customers build more house for less money! Soiin? Brand'S'uper Satin Surface Cedar Paneling means sales for you!
Bie Sales Development Program ls Pre-selling Your Customersl So-t,ana's Ed. Heaine is conducting a full'time sales development oroeiam with architects, designeis, builders and contractors in lheios Angeles area. All sales are through established local retail lumber dealers onlY.
In the Los Angeles area, call Ed. Hearne, REdwood 7'6681, Corona.
' In San Diego & lmperial Counties, phone Solana Cedar & Milling Co" BElmonl 2-7681 or SKyline 5-9364 "solana Brand" is the trademarkd se:iJ:."a1ft Satin surface cedar Panelins
This pole gloss < surfoces. lt is fos resislont to dirt hord weor. THIS CAN'T BE BEAT!
ss cooling seols ond finishes wood fost-drying . . . wqterproof . . . ond irt ond grime, soop scrubbing ond HIS IS A CUSTOMER PTEASER THAT \T!
or Write us for Triql Order
We guoroniee you won't be disoppointed
New Folding Nose Hnnd Truck Developed by Mogline, Inc.
A new Folding Nose Hand Truck, designed for hotlr conventional and soecialpurpose use in wholesale ancl retail boeralions, has been introduced by Magline Inc., leading producer of hand trucks, floor trucks and other light metal materials handline cquipment.
The new dual-purpose ,truck features a 24inch, one-piece tapered nose plate that folds down for handling unusually large, bulky ite.ms such as bags, carito.ns, cases, etc. By raising the nose plate, the unit converts to a standard hand truck, with the folding nose extension recessed snugly against truck frarne wherr in the "up" position.
Accortling to the mauufacturer, the truck was originally developed for the U. S. Post Office l)epartment where it is used to handle bulky cartons, odd-shaped parcels, mail bags, etc., as well as for conventio,nal han.d truck jobs. Of rugged magnesium construction, the new Magliner Folding Nose Truck weighs only 27 lbs., and is available in three models rvith capacities 'to 500 lbs. Choice of wheels includes 8" moldon rubber, 8" or 10,, semipneumatic; optional hanger hook re,tracts rvhen not in use.
Olympic Folder Describes Pre-Finished Wood Products
A new folder describing the seven pre- finished wood products manufactured by Olympic Stained Products Co., Seattle, is now available to all lumber distributors and dealers.
The rnulti-color, eight-page folder, "Olym- pic Pre-finished Sidings," contains detailed information on the materials and applica- tions of each of the seven products.

Pre-finished wood products detailed in the trew folder are: Cedarcrest, a clear bevel siding; furnished with colored nails and rvrapped in weatherproof paper for maximum prc,tection between the factory and the job. All Olympic pre-finished wood products are kiln dried and nranufactured fronr specially selected Western Red Cedar and are 100 per cent usable.
Copies of the new folder, designed for easy filling and ready reference, are available to all lumber distributors and dealers from Olympic Stained Products Co., 1118 Leary Way, Seattle 7, Washington.
New Plqstic Epoxy-Metol
All Purpose Glue
Wilhold's newest Epoxy Glue-plastic Epoxy-Metal is available in a Twin-Tube carded pack. 'Ihis new glue gains extra strength from its powdered steel content. yet remains "Plastic" enough to withstand heavy shock loads. Wilhold Plastic Epoxy- Me,tal dries a light grey color and forms a terrific bond to metals, concre,te, glass, ceramics and hand plastics. Perfect for use at home, on the boat or in the shoo. Twin tube carded-bubble packed lis,t 98 cents.
Ask your wholesaler or write Wilhold Glues, Inc., Los Angeles 31, Chicago 12, Ill.
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