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Women in Construction (Los Angeles Chapter)-May 15. Gala Bosses Night, Chalon Room, Furniture Mart at 1919 S. Broadway. Cocktails, 6-7 p.m., dinner, 7 p.m. Tickets 94.00. For reservations: Edith Parker, DUnkirk 3-1281.
Black Bart Hoo-Hoo Club 181-May 16. Place to be announced.
Dubs, Ltd.-May 18 Monthly Tournament to be played in conjunc- tion with Reveille Tournament, Castlewood Country Club, Pleasanton.
San Diego Hoo-Hoo Club 3-May 18. Open meeting at the Bahia's Bay Room on Mission Bay, San Diego. Featured speaker will be William "Bill" Bradley of U.S. Plywood Corp., San Diego.
Oakland Hoo-Hoo Club 39-May 18. Annual Reveille and golf tournament, Castlewood Country Club, Pleasanton, Bill Johnson chairman.
Inland Empire Hoo-Hoo Club-May 19. Annual golf tournament and "Ladies Night" dinner-dance. Desi Arnaz' Indian Wells Hotel. Numerous door prizes for the ladies.
Salt River Valley Hoo-Hoo Club No. 72-May 22. Golf. tournament, ll:59 a.m., Paradise Valley Country Club. Dinner. Annual membership meeting and election of. 1962-63 officers.
Santa Clara Valley Hoo-Hoo Club 17Q San Francisco Hoo-Hoo Club 9 and Oakland Hoo-Hoo Club 39-May 24. T'hree-club concat. 6:29 p.m., Chez Yvonne Restaurant in Mountain View.
Willamette Valley Hoo-Hoo-June 8. Twenty-first annual golf tournainent at the Eugene Country Club.
National Association of Women in Construction-June 9. Second annual forum of the Pacific Region. Workshops, discussions and luncheon at Ilollyhock House, Barnsdall Park, Vermont & Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles. Evening entertainment at Disneyland. For details, contact Florence Barbour, Pacific Regional Director2053 Meadow Valley Terrace, Los Angeles 39, phone: NOrmandy 3-8651.
Western Dry Kiln Clubs-June 14-15. 14th Annual Meeting, to held in the Student Union Building, University of California Berkeley. The Central California Dry Kiln Club will be hosr.
Ircs Angeles Home Show-Jwre 2l through July 1. Sports Arena. For space reservat.ions, con,tact William Satterwhite, assistant manager, 6399 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles 48. Phone: OL 3-f524 qr OL 3-8610.
National Plywood Distributors Association-lane 27 -29. 20t h Annual Convention, Bayshore Inn, Vancouver, British Columbia.
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