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Longtime Reqder
Ole May California Lumber Merchant
Dear Ole:
Just received my copy of "Old Faithful" California Lumber Merchant this morning and digested its interesting contents as always.
I don't know whether you know it or not, but if you will ask Jack Dionne, I am probably as old a subscriber as you have on the books-not in years of age, although I am now 75-but I was on the same floor in the old Santa Marina Bldg. at Market and California Sts. in San Francisco with my Hendrickson Lumber Company, with Guy Buell who.first started this paper and still have several clippings with pictures when I was Snark of Hoo-Hoo during the 1915 World's Fair and we had our historic Hoo-Hoo House right in the Fair Grounds. In looking back, I remember I only lost about 7000 bucks during that year, by my having to be at our Hoo-Hoo House every day to welcome the Hoo-Hoo from all over the world, thus neglecting what little business there might have come in.
I might add that I have been a constant subscriber ever since, although I have been out of the lumber business for now over 33 years. I s,till am a paid-urp member of Hoo-If oo with an old nunrber 20,744; and even at my age I am still a radio and TV actor here in New York, having just finished a three and one-half year lead run on "From These Roots" on NBC-TV, which unfortunately left the air the first of this year.
Give my kindest regard to Jack and get him to tell you about the time that Gus Russell and I put one over on him, when radio was in its infancy in 1925 and I was president and manager of the old radio KYAB which I promoted in Oakland that year. It's a kick.
Sincerely, Rod Hendrickson, 55 West 55th St., New York, N. Y.
It's Been Our Pleosure
Attn: Don Dick, Ole May Dear Don and Ole:
.As the current Hoo-Hoo year draws to a close, I would like to thank the California Lumber Merchant for the wonderful job of publicity that you have done for the Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club #2.
Your efforts on our behalf have certainly made the job of the Executive Committee of the Club l$0/o easier during the past years.
Again, many thanks for everything and my best personal regards to all of your staff.
Sincerely and fraternally yours, Joe Petrash, Presiden! Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club #2.
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