3 minute read
.......--------- vou sau) it inThe Cahfomia Lumber Merchant) A33ocioted Redwood Milts-.-.--_-...-37 Alkins, Kroll & Co...-..-...--.._,--------*
Snollslrom Iumber Co..---...-..,.--.-.. i
5o-Col Building lvloteriols Co.--...-59
5olono Cedor & Milling Co..---.--.--54
South Boy Lumber Co.----..-.------.--- |
Soulhern Orogon Plywood---,--.-.... *
Soulhwesl Plywood-,--.-...----------....--- |
Slqhl Lumbs Co.-----.----...--.---"..--...* Slondord lumber Co., Inc,..-.--.-----51
Stonton & Son, E. J.....--..-.--..------..
Stroble Iumbor Compony.-.----.-----.,-52
F6rn Trucking Co.-.-...--...-----.-.-.---.-.. ' Johns-Monville ,-_-..-.---,-_----_---------.. 3 Oliver tumber Co..--_--..,_,.----.----.----64
Ford Trucks..---....--.--....---...-.--.....---.-ll Johnson Iumber Supply Co..-....-,-- * 05god Inc.. Robsrt S,---.--......-.-_-.26
Fountoin Ibr. Co., Ed.......----.---,---
Freemon & Co., Stephen G,..-.------
Fremont Forerl Producls.-........-..--..- r Ostrom Lumber Co..-.._-__...--......-..-. *
Owens-Porks Iumber Co.---..-.-.-.-..57
Oxford Iumber Co., Rex,--,.--.-.,--..-59
Tocomo Iumber Soles, lnc,..-.-..---44
Tortsr, Wgbrter & John:on..-....----*
Triongle Iumber Co.----.--.-...--...,,-,.-60
Tri-Stoie Plywood Co.,.--..--..----....-- r
Twin Horborr Iumber Co.--..-.-----.--52
U, S, Plywood Corp,.-..-....-....--.,...*
Ulrich. Hsmqn H,-:-..--.--....-.---.---.-, *
Union Lunber Compony-.--....-.......--17
United Whlse. Lbr. Co.------...---.-....53
Vqn ldo Iumbsr Solee, Roy.--...---. *
L. A,. Dry Kiln & Storogs, Inc.-,--58
Iomon Iunber Co,-.....-..-..-.-.--..-----*
Io9co Indu3lrisr-- l-oshley Lumber, Inc.-----...---,--..... * le Iumber Houling...-.-.....-....-.-...61
Iev Iumbsr Co,..-.-----..----.-,-,-----,-----, *
Loop Iumber & A{ill Co...-..-.---.----*
Ios-Col Iumber Co.-.--..---...-...--..--.-48
Lumbar Cenler Milling Co.---.......-*
Lumbq Dcolgn Moleriols Co,--...-..17
Quolity Ploning Mill....-.......-..--.-...59
Dqvidron rr/cticrn Plywood....--...
Dcl Vollc, Kqhion' d C;.--.:::::.::::
Diobold lunber Co., Corl--.--.-.....
Doolcy & Co...--.......-.--......--.---...-.--
6lSSlFll,0 ADVERI|S|tlHosltlon W.nted ll.5O pcr llnc, mlnlmum 13.00; Hslp Wlnted and others S2.00 p.r llnc, nlnlmum 14,00. Two llnes of address (your tddress or our Bor rumb!?) oount as ono llne. Clos|ng drtes tor copy, 5th .nd 20th.
Help Wanted
Ctassified Advertisements
WANTED GENERAL OFFICE GIRL for Wholesale lumber company in Montebello. Should be experienced. Salary open. Excellent working conditions. Write, Box C-91, The California Lumber Merchant, 108 W. 6th Street Bldg., Los Angeles 14, California.
WANTED: MANAGER, LUMBERYARD, experienced for retail building materials and lumberyard in small town. Must be able to live there. Family man preferred, Salary and bonus commensurate with experience. Rush full details to Box C-90, The California Lumber Merchant, 108 West Sixth Street Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Calif.
WANTED-EXPERIENCED RETAIL LUMBER SALESMAN with contractor following in L. A. a.rea to work for well-established lumber firm. Salary plus comrnission. Territory unli'mited. Excellent opportunity for the righrt man. Write Box C-88, The California Lumber Mer'chant, 108 West Sixth Strcet Bldg., Rm. 508, Los Angeles 14, Calif.
SALESMAN WANTED: Progress,ive and expanding wholesale lumber producer with distnibutrion yards wants experienced and aggressive salesman for our location in Orange-Anaheim area. Sales to include bbth carl,oad and LC.L. shipmenrts of all softwood species for indus,trial and retail accounts. Write Box C-89, The Californ,ia Lu'mber Merchant, 108 West S,ixth Street Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Calif.
RENO, NEVADA YARD NEEDS experienced lumber & building material man capable of pri.cing sales tickets, figuring estimates, reading blue prints, keeping up price books and accounting for incoming material. Box C-85. The Caliiornia Lumber Merchant, 108 West Sixth St. Bldg., Room 508, Los Angeles 14, Calif.
Position Wanted
EXPERIENCED LUMBERMAN, OWNED AND OPERATED OWN LUMBER YARD FOR 25 YEARS. I am s,eeking employrnent within a 150-200 r'adius of Los Angeles. Would be interested in order desk work or assistant managership of retail lutnber yard. Write: Box C-83, The California L'r.rmber Merchant, 108 West Sixth Street Bldg., Room 50& Los Angeles 14, Calif.
l{ames of Advertisers in this Department using a Bor Number cannot be diwlged. All inquiries and replies should be addressed to Box shown in the advertisement.
NORTHERN CALIFORNIA SALES REP., established outlets, wishes additional building material lines. Write Box C-87, The Califortria Lumber Merchant, 108 West Six.th Street Bldg., Rm. 508, Los Angeles 14, Calif.

EXPERIENCED LUMBERMAN, all levels,- wholesale, retail and mill. Formerly executive staft large distribution firm. Available immediately. Write, Box C-92, The California Lumber Merchant, 108 West Sixth Street Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Calif..
BALL BEARING AMERICAN f4 combination rip and re-saw. 25 H.P. motor and blades. $2,500. Frank E. Jones Machinery Corp,, 1403 Sante Fe, Los Angeles 21, Calif.
WANTED: EIGHT WHEEL, two axle trailer with lumber rollers. Contact Hammond Lumber Company, Box 7100, Long Beach, Calif., call NEvada 6-9991.
ONE-500 Newman planer & f,nat.cher. Double profile with rnotors. ONE--4' Woods #137 M w,ith 8 knife top & bottom _!91d.. ONE-Mereen-Johnib,n 54' resaw with motor & vari-drive. ONEMofiet twin band rip saw. ONE-chain feed double cut-ofi saw with 5 H.P. motor. COMPLETE-filing room equipment, curt-ofi saws and blowers. Frank E. J,ones Machinery, 1403 Sante Fe, Los Angeles 21, Cali|
R,.C. 150 HYSTER WITH SIDE SHIFT-EXCELLENT CONDITIONT-$8,0@. Wall Dry Kiln Co., Inc., call NEvada 6-3488.
MISCETLANEOUS WOODWORKING MACHINERY-Special Mat'tison 276. Viking Machinery, 1000 Foothill Blvd., LaVerne, Cal,if. Phone: LYcoming 3-302r.
FOR SALE OR TRADE OR WHAT HAVE YOU. HOUSE, air-condirtioned, two bedrooms, living-r,oom 18x24, kitchen & kitchen' ette, dinning room. I-arge carport, patio, gues't house. Corner lot 75x200 surrounded c€men,t block wall-beautiful view. Location: Rancho Mirage, Hyway 111, halfway between Thunderbird Country Club and Shadow Mountain C.lub. Palm Des'ert. Brush Industrial Lumber Co.,7653 Telegraph Rd., Montebello, Calif.
The Californio lumber Merchont
... the all new "VENT-AIR"
Att DOORS ARE HOT PRESSED with Type 2 Ureo Resin qnd Belt Sqnded. Core conslruclion is qn oll-wood grid, wilh 2l horizontql Ribs qnd 2 conlinuous Verticols, spocing between Ribs is 3Vq". End rqils qre 2V2", Sllles sre l3A" qnd lock Block oreq is 4x21", All doors qre gudrqnleed for one yeqr ogoinst delominqtion or defects in mqteriol qnd workmqnship, ond will be reploced lN THE WHITE ONIY. Doors musl be properly hondled, slored qnd seqled. All doors ore mqnufoclured in complionce with qll Commerciql Stqndqrds requesled. (cs r7r-58) o